Sis. Nandini showing everyone the proper way (as well as meaning) of paying respects to the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.
On Sunday 23 February, parents of new Nalanda Dharma School students gathered in Sri Serdang for the second session of ‘Svagatam’* Induction Programme. In this session, Sis. Nandini Tan shared about the lovely Buddhist culture and refined etiquette.
“The Malay word ‘Budaya’ was derived from the Pāli word ‘Buddhaya’, which means refined culture and proper mannerism,” Sis. Nandini explained. She also demonstrated the proper way to pay respects to the ‘Three Jewels’, and how to greet our seniors and peers. “The underlying principle of Buddhist etiquette is the cultivation of respect and mindfulness in our daily activities,” said Sis. Nandini.
After the enriching session, all participants were delighted to discover the beauty and deep meaning of Buddhist culture. Sadhu to everyone!
* ‘Svagatam’ means ‘welcome’ in Pāli Language.