10th Anniversary

Any news and events pertaining to Nalanda’s 10th Anniversary celebrations in 2013-2014.

28 April 2013

“Sowing seeds today”

“If seeds were not planted now, and saplings were not properly cultivated, where would we find strong trees and sweet fruits in future? Similarly, if our children were not properly educated and our youths not guided today, where would we find great leaders in future to wisely lead and inspire our communities?

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27 April 2013

Nalanda’s 10th Anniversary

“The purpose of education is not just to impart knowledge, but to mould characters. Holistic education involves the transmission of knowledge, essential skills, values, and culture. These four elements properly nurtured leads to integral human development.” – Bro. H S Tan

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26 April 2013

The Venerable Teacher’s visit

From Nalanda’s Archives – In the year 2000, Sri Serdang hosted a visit by eminent Buddhist and Pāli Scholar, the Most Ven. Dr. K Anuruddha Nayaka Thero, the first Vice-Chancellor of the Buddhist & Pāli University of Sri Lanka.  The Venerable was highly respected for his vast learning in the Tipitaka and erudite teachings.  Ven. Anuruddha was also Bro. Tan’s Pāli teacher.  Bro.Tan and the Sri Serdang community were overjoyed when the Venerable teacher took time to visit them, and to encourage them in their learning and practice.

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25 April 2013

The forerunner of Pustaka Nalanda

The Mudita Library was declared open by the Late Ven. K Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thero in July 2000, in conjunction with Asalha month observance.  It was at that time the first and only Buddhist library in Serdang. Bro.Tan had donated his entire collection of Dhamma books to start the library, and with further donations and acquisitions, the collection reached almost 2,000 books after one year.

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23 April 2013

Another leaf from the past

Our archive photograph above shows Bro. Tan welcoming his teacher, the Late Ven. K Sri Dhammananda to Sri Serdang in 2000.  Back then, Bro. Tan often arranged for and accompanied the inspiring late Sanghanayaka to teach Dhamma to students in universities in the Klang Valley.  Given the venerable’s failing health then, Bro.Tan took over some of the teaching duties, something he does until presently.

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9 April 2013

‘Nalanda Day’ Celebrations

1 May marks the establishment date of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia, and is designated as Nalanda Day.  This year's celebration is extra-special to us as we observe Nalanda's 10th Anniversary! The day-long programme on 1 May 2013 starts with the morning puja at 9am, followed by official speeches, talks, and Sanghika Dana.  In the evening, there will be a "Malam Mengenang Budi" Appreciation Dinner and performances to fete our benefactors, donors, supporters, devotees, and volunteers that have supported our educational work over the last decade.  We invite everyone to come and rejoice over the progress made in holistic Buddhist education and integral human development.  Sadhu anumodana!

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12 March 2013

10th Anniversary of Nalanda Buddhist Society

Text by Lee Kong Foo & Faith Teh  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng 1 May 2013 marks the 10th anniversary of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia. At Nalanda, we believe in providing Holistic Education for Integral Human Development. With the imparting of knowledge, training of skills, cultivation of values, and transmission of culture, the aim of holistic education is to transform a person to be more compassionate and wise; promoting peace, harmony and well-being, in the world within and around us!

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2 March 2013

Sharing the insights of 10 contemporary Buddhist teachers

Counting down to Nalanda Buddhist Society's 10th Anniversary milestone on 1 May 2013, we are sharing with you the wisdom and insights of 10 contemporary Buddhist masters of our times!

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