Ajahn Chah

Anything related to Ajahn Chah’s teaching, lineage, disciples or tradition.

12 February 2019

Dhamma talk by Ajahn Jayasaro

On Thursday 13 December 2018, we were honoured to welcome revered teachers, Ajahn Jayasaro and Ajahn Vajiro back to Nalanda Centre. Nalandians were delighted to reminisce with both venerable teachers who have been supporting Nalanda’s education mission for many years.

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16 January 2019

27th anniversary of Ajahn Chah’s passing

Today we commemorate the 27th anniversary of Venerable Ajahn Chah’s passing.  A revered monk who lived a meaningful and simple life, Ajahn Chah (1918 – 1992) bestowed upon the Buddhist community a legacy which continues to inspire many monks and laity alike.  Many monastics who trained with him at forest monasteries have themselves become renowned and respected teachers.

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28 November 2018

Dhamma talks this December

This December, Nalanda is honoured to host Ajahn Achalo, Ajahn Jayasaro, and Ajahn Kalyano for Dhamma talks in Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Grab this opportunity to meet with and learn from inspiring Dhamma teachers.  All are welcome!

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17 June 2018

Centenary of a great Dhamma teacher

Today marks the 100th birth anniversary of the late Luang Por Chah Subhaddo (17 June 1918 – 16 January 1992) – one of the best known teachers of the Thai forest monastic tradition in modern times.  Simply and better known to the world as Ajahn Chah, he was seen as the personification of Buddhist monastic discipline, meditative spirit, and profound wisdom.

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19 February 2018

Dhamma teaching by Ajahn Jayasaro

Friday 10 November marked another auspicious evening for Nalanda devotees as world-renowned Dhamma teacher, Ven. Ajahn Jayasaro, graced Nalanda Centre to share his words of wisdom.  Faith and enthusiasm to learn Dhamma was clearly evident in many devotees as the Teaching Hall was packed to the brim despite the heavy evening downpour.

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16 January 2018

Ajahn Chah memorial today

16 January marks the anniversary of Luang Pu Chah’s passing (in 1992).  Traditionally on this day, his disciples throughout the world would gather at his main monastery – Wat Nong Pah Pong in Ubon Ratchathani – to observe the memorial.  Let us pay humble tribute to this great teacher of many by recollecting his teachings and by practising them diligently!

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20 December 2017

Nalanda to host Ajahn Kalyāno

On 24 and 25 December 2017, Nalanda Centre will be hosting Ven. Ajahn Kalyāno, the abbot of Lokuttara Buddhist Monastery in Skiptvet, Norway, a branch monastery in the Thai forest tradition of Ajahn Chah.  Join us for a Dhamma talk by Ajahn Kalyāno on Sunday 24 December, at 8.00pm.

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9 November 2017

Dhamma teaching by Ajahn Jayasaro

Excellent news for the Buddhist community in Malaysia!  We are pleased to inform you that Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro will give a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre this Friday evening, starting 8.00pm.

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17 June 2017

Today is ‘Ajahn Chah Day’

17 June 2017 marks the 99th birth anniversary of the late Venerable Ajahn Chah of Thailand.   Nalandians humbly pays tribute to this great monk who was one of the most influential and revered Dhamma teachers of the modern era.  Thus, today is ‘Ajahn Chah Day’ at Nalanda.

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22 April 2017

Teachings by Ajahn Tiradhammo

Sunday 12 March was ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’ at Nalanda Centre, a day dedicated to learning, practising and contemplating the Dhamma.  Ajahn Tiradhammo, a disciple of the late Ajahn Chah, was specially invited to give an evening Dhamma talk for the occasion.

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