Ajahn Chah

Anything related to Ajahn Chah’s teaching, lineage, disciples or tradition.

8 December 2013

Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Cattamālo

On Wednesday 4 December, Nalandians and devotees had the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to Venerables Ajahn Cattamālo and Ajahn Cagino at Nalanda House.  Both Ajahns trained under the Thai forest monk tradition of Ajahn Chah.

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30 March 2013

Dhamma Talk by Luang Por Dumrong and Luang Por Jundee

Nalanda is honoured by the visit of Luang Por Dumrong, Luang Por Jundee and Tan Ajahn Moshe on 30 March. The venerables are from the Thai Forest tradition and disciples from the late Ajahn Chah lineage.

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6 March 2013

Ajahn Tiradhammo at Nalanda Centre

Ajahn Tiradhammo from Canada visited Nalanda Centre and delivered an insightful Dhamma talk this evening.  Venerable Ajahn is a senior monk in Ajahn Chah’s Thai forest monk tradition.  On arrival at 6.15pm, Ajahn was received by a group of Nalandian officers and volunteers.  He later had a conversation with Bro.Tan, before being taken on a tour of Nalanda Centre by Sis. Nandini and Bro. Andrew Lee.  Anumodana!

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2 March 2013

Sharing the insights of 10 contemporary Buddhist teachers

Counting down to Nalanda Buddhist Society's 10th Anniversary milestone on 1 May 2013, we are sharing with you the wisdom and insights of 10 contemporary Buddhist masters of our times!

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3 February 2013

Luang Por Viradhammo visits Nalanda Centre

Nalanda is honoured by the visit by Phra Ajahn Viradhammo, a senior monk from the forest tradition of Ajahn Chah, today at 1pm.  Luang Por (“venerable elder”) Viradhammo resides in a forest monastery near Ottawa, Canada; and is on a visit to Thailand and Malaysia.

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12 January 2012

Ajahn Chah Remembrance Day

Pindacara - Monks going on their alms-round. It was a special event to commemorate a most special teacher. The "Ajahn Chah Remembrance Day" which was held over the weekend of 17-18 December at SJK (C) Yuk Chai in Petaling Jaya, drew hundreds of devotees to pay homage to the great Buddhist meditation master.

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