Buddha Day

13 June 2024

Video – Peaceful Buddha Day Observance 2024

Watch the video highlights to see how the community came together to learn how to cultivate Peace within and with others, and to perform wholesome deeds.

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22 May 2024

‘Buddha Day’ Message Buddhavasse 2568

On 'Buddha Day' BE 2568, 22 May 2024, with great joy we wish fellow Buddhists ‘Happy Buddha Day’ as we celebrate the Full-moon day of Vesakhā of the Buddhist Era 2568.  As we transition into a bright new phase leaving the dark times of the pandemic behind us, we would like to gratefully acknowledge the unwavering commitment and resilience displayed by all Nalanda members, volunteers and our kalyana mittās during those years.  Your efforts have been instrumental in helping our society navigate this unprecedented time to come out stronger and more focussed. 

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15 May 2024

Buddha Day Heritage Procession & Dhamma talk by Ajahn Dton

We joyfully welcome you to join the iconic Heritage Procession, on Wesak Full-moon Buddha Day, 22 May, at 7.30pm. In this unique cultural experience, the Buddharupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan to the harmonious beat of drums and gongs, accompanied by beautifully hand-crafted paraphernalia carried by traditionally-dressed devotees.

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15 May 2024

Buddha Day Eve Service

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15 May 2024

Pindacara on Wesak full-moon morning

We invite you and your loved ones to start the Wesak full-moon day morning by performing the meritorious deed of giving. Come and join the Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) around Nalanda Centre and the offering of breakfast dana to venerable monks on Wednesday 22 May at 7am.  We also invite you to join the Buddha Pūja at 9am and Dhamma talk at 10am. All are welcome.

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15 May 2024

Wesak Day Buddha Pūja

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10 May 2024

Buddha Day Volunteer Briefing

We welcome all ‘Buddha Day’ volunteers to attend the Volunteer Briefing at 1pm this Sunday 12 May, at Nalanda Centre. The briefing includes an introduction to the Buddha Day programmes from 21 to 26 May, and familiarisation of your roles with the team leads. We extend our thanks to you in advance for stepping forward to play a part in this auspicious event and wish you happy service!

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28 April 2024

Young Working Adults Forum

In conjunction with Buddha Day B.E. 2568, Nalanda Youth Centre is hosting a special forum for young working adults on Thursday 23 May at Nalanda Centre.  The forum which starts at 8pm is for youths of ages 23 to 35, to learn from a panel of seasoned corporate and professionals on the role that we play to foster harmony at work and in our lives. 

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28 April 2024

Youth Cultivation Day for students

Deriving peace and calm in today's busy world is a much needed skill.  In conjunction with Buddha Day B.E. 2568, Nalanda Youth Centre is organising a Youth Cultivation Day for youths of ages 16 to 23 on Saturday 25 May from 9 am to 4 pm at Nalanda Centre. 

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24 April 2024

Blood Donation Drive

A pint of blood saves up to 3 lives!  Blood donation is safe, painless, simple, and one of the most wholesome deeds one can do. We invite you to participate in the Blood Donation Drive at Nalanda Centre on Sunday 26 May, in conjunction with Buddha Day Observance.

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