Buddha Relic

17 May 2019

Joyful programmes this ‘Buddha Day’

This weekend, Buddhists around the world will commemorate the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago, and mark the beginning of Buddhist Year (B.E.) 2563.  We invite you, your family and friends to join spiritual and learning programmes at Nalanda Centre, which includes Dhamma teachings, Sutta Study, and the highlight of our celebrations – the annual Heritage Procession and worshipping of Buddha Relic.

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15 May 2019

Pay Homage to Buddha Relic

Nalanda Centre welcomes all devotees to pay the highest homage to our Great Teacher the Buddha’s Relic.  Real Buddha Relics are highly esteemed and revered by the faithful, as they are the corporeal remains of the Blessed One.  Many devotees experience a deep sense of joy, and are moved to tears by gratitude, when they think of the life of the Buddha as they worship His Relics.

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21 May 2018

4 days of spiritual celebration

Wesak month full-moon commemorates the Blessed One’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago, and marks the beginning of Buddhist Year (B.E.) 2562.  Nalanda will observe ‘Buddha Day’ from 26 May (Saturday) to 29 May (Tuesday) with many wholesome activities.  We joyfully invite you to join us for the following programmes starting this weekend:

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9 May 2017

Celebrating the eve of ‘Buddha Day’

Today is the eve of Wesak full-moon ‘Buddha Day’.  A very significant spiritual moment happened in the life of the Buddha this day before His Enlightenment.  He received food offering from Lady Sujata and with strength regained, He sat meditating under the pipal tree throughout the night, and achieved Awakening the next dawn!

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4 May 2017

‘Buddha Day’ 2561 at Nalanda Centre

The Wesak Full-moon ‘Buddha Day’ commemorates the Blessed One’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago.  This full-moon marks the 2561st anniversary of His passing; hence the Buddhist Era (B.E.) 2561. Nalanda will observe ‘Buddha Day’ from 7 May (Sunday) to 10 May (Wednesday).  We joyfully invite you to join us for the following ‘Buddha Day’ programmes lined up starting this weekend:

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3 May 2017

Paying Homage to Buddha Relic

For the first time ever, the public will get the opportunity to worship the Buddha Relic (Şaŗira) at Nalanda Centre on Wesak Eve (from 7pm on Tuesday, 9 May) and Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ (until 7pm on Wednesday, 10 May).

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