Pertaining to the Buddhist Fellowships in Singapore and/or Indonesia.
On Tuesday 11 March, the Happy Young Adults’ Programme continued with their learning session on ‘Sustaining Motivation at Work’ by Mr. Lok Eng Hong, a corporate leader in the banking industry. Gathered at Nalanda Education & Outreach Centre in Happy Garden, the youths first reflected on factors that motivate and demotivate us at work, finding many similarities amongst themselves.
Read moreOn Sunday 16 March, Nalanda Youth Centre warmly welcomed university students from Xiamen University Malaysia Buddhist Society for a meaningful gathering on the topic of "Blessings in Life." Their visit began with the Patron’s Day joint service, followed by fellowship activities and an inspiring Dhamma sharing by Sis. Sunanda. She shared insights from the Maṅgala Sutta, highlighting three essential qualities for cultivating blessings—Gāravo (reverence) towards teachers and parents, Nivāto (humility) in letting go of ego, and Santutthī (contentment) in overcoming greed and attachment.
Read moreOn Sunday 16 March, members of Nalanda Buddhist Society attended the 22nd Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. Reviewing the past year’s programmes and progress, members rejoiced over the Dhamma and educational programmes held as well as the presence and guidance of monastics and Dhamma teachers.
Read moreOn Tuesday 18 February, Young Working Adults group of Nalanda Youth Centre came together for their monthly gathering, a support group to draw strength from the Buddha-Dhamma to overcome work-life challenges.
Read moreOn Sunday, 16 February, Nalanda Youth Centre organised an Orientation Day to welcome new youths and Nalanda Dhamma School graduates who expressed their interest in learning and serving through the Nalanda Youth Centre platform.
Read moreOn Sunday 12 January, Nalanda Youth Centre brought its Youth Sunday Service outdoors with a mindful hike for the group to connect with nature at Bukit Serdang and strengthen bonds of friendship to start the year well.
Read moreWith the start of the academic year at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), its Buddhist Society leaders initiated their Dhamma and fellowship gatherings at Nalanda Centre for their new members. Young and energetic, the group relishes the opportunity to receive guidance from spiritual teachers alongside like-minded friends in a conducive learning environment. They also formed a community that can support each other outside the lecture rooms.
Read moreOn Tuesday 12 November, the young working adults group gathered at Nalanda Community Centre for their monthly gathering. This session featured a dialogue with Datuk Charlie Chia, a prominent Buddhist figure and corporate leader who shared his experiences candidly with the group.
Read moreOn the weekend of 9 – 10 November, over 30 students of ages 16 to 23 joined the Students Stay-in Programme themed “Friendship” at Nalanda Centre. Together with facilitators and volunteers, the group explore the importance of good friendship in life.
Read more2024 has been a very spirited and fruitful year for Nalanda Youth Centre, filled with many learning, service, outreach, and leadership programmes that left a deep positive impact on the community and everyone's personal growth. After a year of dedication, 25 leaders and core members of Nalanda Youth Centre gathered at Wisdom Park from 31 October to 2 November for the annual Fuel-Up Camp to reflect on how the youths have worked together for the year, realign values, principles and culture, and recharge for the year ahead.
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