Pertaining to the Buddhist Fellowships in Singapore and/or Indonesia.
From 19 to 21 June, Nalanda Youth Centre was honoured to host the vibrant youth and their mentors from the Buddhist Fellowship of Singapore for their annual retreat. Our Singaporean friends had several inspiring and fruitful ‘Dhamma Chat’ sessions with Nalanda Founder, Bro. Tan who guided them on Buddhist Leadership which also benefited the Nalandian youths. There was an interactive session among the youth to exchange views and ideas on the programme of their respective Youth Centre.
Read moreNalandians throughout Malaysia would like to thank our Singaporean Dhamma friends from Buddhist Fellowship (BF) and Firefly Mission for joining us in celebrating Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ at Nalanda Centre. We are happy that you get to celebrate Vesak twice this year – once in Malaysia last month, and again in Singapore on 1 June.
Read moreOn Sunday 2 November, just days after the visit by 90 Firefly Mission members, Nalanda was again honoured by the presence of another Singaporean group – a party of 40 cheerful Buddhist Fellowship (BF) members. Led by its Deputy President Bro. Jerry Ong, the group was in Kuala Lumpur to watch “Xuan Zang – Journey to the West” musical.
Read moreIn conjunction with their visit to Jakarta last month, Nalandian officers had the opportunity to tour the National Museum of Indonesia together with our hosts from Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia, and friends from Buddhist Fellowship Singapore.
Read moreOn Sunday 4 May, Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia (BFI) officially launched its new centre – the “BFI House” – in a delightful ceremony. Located in the North Jakarta District of Kelapa Gading, the 4-storey centre houses an elegant shrine hall, a multi-purpose room, and ample space for future office and library.
Read moreAs part of the programme for their official visit to Jakarta, Nalanda officers met up with the Executive Committee of PATRIA (“Pemuda Theravada Indonesia”) for an interactive dialogue session on Saturday, 3 May. PATRIA is a national body representing Indonesian Theravada youths; it has branches and activity centres in many provinces throughout the country.
Read moreThis Wesak month must be a very significant one for members of Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia (BFI) as they celebrate Buddha Day (or ‘Hari Waisak’ in Indonesia) at their marvelous new ‘home’ – the BFI House. After 8 years of operating from rented premises, BFI has moved into their delightful and welcoming new centre located in Kelapa Gading District, North Jakarta.
Read more42 members of Buddhist Fellowship and Firefly Mission Singapore had an insightful 4-day tour to the northern states of Penang, Kedah and Perlis from 17 to 20 April 2014. The highlight of the study tour was a day-long visit to Bujang Valley guided by Bro Tan.
Read moreOn Tuesday 11 March, 200 members and devotees gathered at Buddhist Fellowship (West) Centre in Singapore for an evening of Metta-recitation and meditation to dedicate merits to victims of MH370. We thank our earnest friends in Singapore for doing your bit to give moral support to the victims of this tragedy and their suffering families. Sadhu anumodana!
Read moreNalanda Founder Bro. Tan undertook a 5-day tour to Singapore earlier this month and gave several teachings to various groups, including to members of Buddhist Fellowship, Firefly Mission, undergraduate fellowship, and at the Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society (BDMS). Bro. Tan also visited Ven. H Gunaratana and Ven. B Dhammaratana at the Buddhist Library, as well as Ven. S Dhammika at BDMS. It was a fruitful trip as he was fully engaged with many Dhamma activities.
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