Buddhist Studies in Mandarin

2 May 2024

Completion of Sutta Study in Mandarin

On Saturday 27 April, over 100 participants and volunteers of the Sigalovada Sutta (Digha Nikaya 31) Study Course in Mandarin completed their final session at all three Nalanda Branches in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani. 

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22 March 2024

Sutta Study Course commenced at all Nalanda Branches

Last Saturday 16 March, over 100 participants, facilitators and volunteers commenced the first session of the Sigalovada Sutta’ (Digha Nikaya 31) Study Course in Mandarin.  Held concurrently across all three Nalanda Branches in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani, this course is organised by Nalanda Institute Malaysia and provides an insight into the Buddha’s teachings about the laity’s duties and moral conduct.

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24 November 2023

BPS 204 study tour to Bujang Valley

On the long holiday weekend of 11 to 13 November, Nalanda Institute Malaysia organised a special study tour for BPS204 - Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies in Mandarin participants to Bujang Valley, Kedah.  Participants from Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bharu and Sungai Petani explored the rich history of Buddhism in the north of the peninsula, led by Nalanda Institute Officer Sis. Sandy Lim.

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11 November 2023

BPS 204 sets-off for Bujang Valley

Early this morning, participants of BPS 204 – Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies in Mandarin, started their journey to Sungai Petani from both Klang Valley and Johor Bahru.  This study trip forms part of their curriculum, to gain better understanding and insight into the arrival of Buddhism in Malaysia some 2,000 years ago.  We wish the lecturers, participants and volunteers a safe and fruitful learning journey this weekend.  Sadhu!

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16 October 2023

BPS204 lectures concluded joyfully

On Saturday 14 October, participants of BPS 204 – Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies in Mandarin completed their final lecture in the series of eight.  Since July, more than 80 participants have been diligently learning and reflecting on the Buddha’s teachings across Nalanda Education & Outreach Centres in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani.

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7 August 2023

BPS 204 participants deepen their understanding

For the last two Saturdays from 29 July, over 80 participants have been gathering at Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centres in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani to continue their learning in BPS 204 Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies in Mandarin.  The course is the first-ever conducted by Nalanda Institute.

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2 August 2023

Second lecture of Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies BPS 204

The second lecture of BPS 204 – Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies in Mandarin will be held this Saturday, 5 August at 2.30pm at Nalanda Education & Outreach Centres in Happy Garden, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani.  We encourage registered participants to arrive 15 minutes earlier for registration.  We wish you a fruitful learning session.

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26 July 2023

First lecture of Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies BPS 204

BPS 204 – Intermediate-level Buddhist Studies in Mandarin commences this week at Nalanda Education & Outreach Centres in Happy Garden, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani.  We warmly welcome registered participants for the first lecture at 2.30pm on Saturday, 29 July.  Participants are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes earlier for registration.  We wish you a joyful learning session.

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1 June 2023

Mandarin Dhamma Camp in Sungai Petani

Nalanda Sungai Petani branch is organising a Dhamma Camp from 29 June to 1 July, with the theme “Living a meaningful life with the Noble Eightfold Path”.  Venerable Lim Sukhito will be the main speaker for this camp to lead participants in understanding the Noble Eightfold Path and practising it daily to live a purposeful and fulfilling life.

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26 May 2023

Hosting our Southern BPS 104 friends at Nalanda

On Friday 19 May, BPS 104 participants from Johor Bahru visited Nalanda Centre on the way to their stay-in programme at Wisdom Park.  The group led by JB core volunteers Sis. Angie and Bro. Gan, was warmly welcomed by Nalanda members upon their arrival, and learned more about the Society and its programmes from Nalanda Centre Director, Sis. Nandini.

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