Building Expansion Project

13 October 2022

60 days to Officiating Ceremony of NEO Centre KL

Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre Kuala Lumpur is now at 95% construction completion.  Whilst interiors have started to be fitted-in over the past weeks, members and volunteers have also been carrying out daily chanting there, as well as prepare the premise to welcome guests for its Officiating Ceremony on Sunday, 11 December 2022.

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15 November 2019

Sponsorship of 33 Pillars

The Wisdom Park Administrative Centre under Phase 1C is currently under construction and it is scheduled for completion in early 2020.  The 9,000 square feet building will house the management office, volunteer centre, accommodation for teachers, and space for meeting/training activities.

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12 November 2019

Sponsorship for Administrative Centre

‘Wisdom Park’ was conceived in 2015 as an integrated educational and training facility to train future Buddhist leaders and lay Dhamma teachers.  The growth and development of Malaysian Buddhism depends on the availability of these two essential factors – good leaders and effective teachers.

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7 October 2018

‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ officially launched

The ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ was officially launched last night with the blessings of the Maha Sangha, and with over 1,300 Buddhist leaders, Dhamma teachers, guests, neighbours, volunteers and devotees in attendance.  The Centre was built to cater for increasing demand for Buddhist education and training.  It is so named as a tribute to Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser, Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda.

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6 October 2018

K. Sri Dhammananda Centre to be launched today

Tonight at 9.00pm, the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ in Sri Serdang will be officially launched by the Maha Sangha. The newly-completed building is named after Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser, and is dedicated to Buddhist education and Dhamma propagation.

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21 September 2018

Guest Lodge 59% completed

Construction of the first building at Wisdom Park – ‘Guest Lodge 01’ – is progressing on schedule with 59% of the work completed as of 15 September 2018.  The building will incorporate a Dhamma Teaching Hall, accommodation, and ample space for indoor and outdoor educational activities. The 13,500 square feet facility is expected to be ready by year end.

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9 September 2018

September 9 – One year later

On 9 September 2017, Nalandians gathered at ‘Nalanda House’ to perform the last lowering of flags ceremony, together with blessings for the demolition and reconstruction of the facility to house more students coming to learn Dhamma.

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13 August 2018

Preview of K. Sri Dhammananda Centre on Dhamma Day

Nalandians celebrated ‘Dhamma Day’ – the full-moon day for the month of Asalha – on Friday, 27 July with a joyful air and spiritual fervour. Devotees were delighted to have the opportunity to preview the soon-to-be-completed K. Sri Dhammananda Centre, located just across the road from Nalanda Centre.

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8 August 2018

Volunteers cleaning ‘KSDC’

On 15 July, volunteers were mobilised to clean K. Sri Dhammananda Centre, which was at the final stages of completion.  The spirited Nalandian team worked on Level 2 and Level 3 of the Centre, bearing vacuum-cleaners, brooms and mops to wipe away dust and debris.

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4 July 2018

A pillar of support for Buddha-Sāsana

At Wisdom Park, we are building facilities to train future Buddhist leaders and lay Dhamma teachers.  The growth and development of Malaysian Buddhism depends on the availability of these two essential factors – good leaders and effective teachers.

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