
5 May 2015

Vote On-line for the Best Photograph

The ‘Silver Lining’ Photography Competition On-line Voting is now Open!

The voting for the ‘Silver Lining’ Photography Competition is open from 5 – 11 May.  The Top 20 shortlisted photographs by our panel of judges have been posted onto Nalanda’s Facebook page; but we need your help to allocate them their positions!

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7 April 2015

Nalanda Youths’ “Charity Car Wash”

On Sunday 29 March, Nalandian youths organised a ‘Charity Car Wash’ at Nalanda House, Sri Serdang to raise funds for Dhamma Education, and the “Children’s Wish Society of Malaysia”, an organisation which aims to fulfil the wishes of terminally-ill children.

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8 May 2014

Blood Donation Campaign at Nalanda Centre

Do you know that with a pint of blood you donate, 3 lives can be saved?  Perform a wholesome deed this Wesak by participating in the Blood Donation Campaign.  It only takes a little of your time to donate blood, but its effect on someone’s life will last forever.

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20 May 2013

Blood Donation Campaign

Do you know that a pint of blood can save up to 3 lives?  Blood donation is safe, painless, simple and noble.  It is also one of the most wholesome deeds one can do this Wesak.  You can make a life and death difference for others in need, by just coming forward to donate blood.

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10 April 2012

“Fly our Buddhist Flag” Campaign

When we gaze at the Buddhist Flag, we see a potent symbol of faith, global unity and world peace. The colours of the flag exemplify the Buddhist ideal of harmony among all nationalities and beliefs, and the universally-accepted, all encompassing truth of Dhamma.

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20 January 2012

BCA Healthy Living Campaign

Life is really testing... Blood Donation Campaign The campaign was co-organized by BCA and the National Blood Centre (Pusat Darah Negara). 111 donors registered for the campaign, and 84 bags of blood were collected.

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