
20 March 2017

Honouring parents at Tea Ceremony

On Sunday 12 February, Nalanda Dhamma School held its annual tea-offering ceremony in conjunction with the Lunar New Year.  The purpose of the tea ceremony was for children to express their love and gratitude towards parents and teachers who have cared for, and supported them unconditionally.

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10 February 2017

Annual Children’s Learning Camp

The much-anticipated annual Children’s Learning Camp for 9 to 12 year-olds was held at Nalanda Centre from 19 to 21 December 2016.  The theme of the camp was ‘Be Cool’ – which aimed to inculcate good moral behaviour and manners in children as part of being ‘cool’.

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16 November 2016

‘Silver Lining Day’ at Siddharthan Care Centre

Report by Chan Jia Xin.

Silver Lining’ is a programme initiated by Nalanda Youth Centre in 2015 to promote acts of kindness towards others among Malaysian youths.  A ‘Silver Lining Day’ is organised once every three months where youths dedicate one Sunday to serving the community.

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27 July 2016

Children invited to ‘Family Fun Fair’

We are happy to share that children from Siddharthan Care Centre are again coming to take part in this year’s Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair’.  As part of its CSR Programme, the Kemaman Bitumen Co. Sdn Bhd has kindly offered the home coupons to purchase food, clothes and stationeries at the Fair.  Representatives of the company together with Nalandian officers went to Siddharthan Care Centre to present the coupons on 18 June.

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27 January 2016

Excursion to foster good friendship

On Sunday 24 January, 180 students of Nalanda Dhamma School and members of Nalanda Youth Centre went on an enjoyable outing at Putrajaya’s Botanical Gardens.  The students spent a glorious day in the open learning the meaning of  kalyāna-mittatā (spiritual friendship) through healthy outdoor activities.

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22 January 2016

Dhamma School in K.L. welcomes students

On 3 January, Nalanda Education Outreach (NEO) Centre in Kuala Lumpur held its first Junior Dhamma School session for this year.  The session began with chanting and meditation for the students to compose their minds.  This was followed by a welcoming speech and short Dhamma sharing by School Coordinator Sis. Sadhika.

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3 January 2016

Joyful first day at Dhamma School

Nalanda Dhamma School had its first session of 2016 today with great zest, and packed with fun learning activities for teenagers and children.  The School now operates at 4 different locations – the Teenage School at Nalanda Centre, Junior School at Nalanda House Sri Serdang, Junior School at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur, and another Teenage School at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.

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12 December 2015

Children learn to ‘Always be Caring’

Nalanda’s Children Learning Camp for 9 to 12 year-olds was held at Nalanda Centre from 1 to 3 December. The holiday camp with the theme ‘Always be Caring’, was attended by 75 children.  It was organised by Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and assisted by senior students.

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4 December 2015

‘Caring and Sharing’ with Ven. Sanghasena

75 children attending a holiday camp at Nalanda Centre had a pleasant surprise today when Ven. Sanghasena Maha Thero came to visit them.  Children are close to Ven. Sanghasena’s heart as he has been working tirelessly for many years to provide education and accommodation to the underprivileged in Ladakh, India.

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2 July 2015

Happy Outing to the National Zoo

On Friday 12 June, Nalanda Free School organized an outing for primary school students to Zoo Negara (National Zoo) in Kuala Lumpur.  31 students participated in this learning trip, accompanied by 5 teachers and facilitators.  This special outing was meant as a ‘reward’ for younger Free School students who had full-attendance since classes began in January.

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