
15 May 2012

Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course Part 2

Nalanda Institute welcomed the return of Venerable Aggacitta together with Ven. Balacitta, Ven. U Vijaya, and 95 diligent yogis, for Part Two of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop on 24 and 25 March.

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12 May 2012

Monthly Dhamma Discussion

After lunch, the participants went to Pustaka Nalanda for the sharing and discussion on "The Three Jewels (Part 1)".

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10 May 2012

Weekly Programme Update (7- 13 May 2012)

Monthly Dhamma Discussion Date: 11 May 2012, Friday Time: 12pm – 1.30pm Venue: Pustaka Nalanda Topic: The Three Jewels – Part 1

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28 April 2012

True Significance of WESAK

In conjunction with the upcoming Wesak Day, Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama, the Director of Nalanda Institute, conducted a 3-hour course on the "True Significance of WESAK", which aimed to better inform Buddhists on the right spirit and understanding of celebrating Wesak.

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5 March 2012

Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course

To commemorate 2600 years of Buddhism in 2011-2012, Nalanda Institute is offering a series of courses to introduce various Nikāyas of the Pāli Tipitakā.

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