
15 May 2015

Dhamma talks at International Medical University

From 9 April to 14 May, the Buddhist Society of International Medical University (IMU) in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur organized a series of weekly Dhamma lessons for beginners in Buddhism.  Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan was the main speaker for the course, conducting 4 out of 6 lessons there.  The Director of Pustaka Nalanda Bro. Ananda Fong and Director of Nalanda Dharma School Sis. Sunanda Ong complemented him by conducting one lesson each.

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6 May 2015

Course on the ‘True Significance of Wesak’

On 19 and 25 April, Nalanda Institute Malaysia conducted two short courses to explain the true significance of Wesak ‘Buddha Day’; the courses were held at NEO Centre Happy Garden and Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang respectively.

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21 April 2015

Learn more about Wesak Day

Wesak Full-moon Day marks the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment.  In preparation to welcome this spiritual day, Nalanda Institute Malaysia is conducting a course on the ‘True Significance of Wesak’, which is suitable for newcomers and students of Buddhism.  Discover and understand the true meaning and importance of this occasion, and learn how to properly observe this sacred ‘Buddha Day’.

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13 February 2015

Speaking English with Confidence

On Saturday 7 February, we were pleased to invite Ms. Yogesvary Alahakone, a Senior Lecturer from a renowned university, to conduct a one-day English course for Nalanda officers and volunteers interested to improve their communication skills. Read more

29 December 2014

Fruitful study tour to Bujang Valley (Part 2)

Report by tour participants Sis. Kwa Ai Ai, Livin Leow and Mudita Chan

A special expedition comprising Nalanda Institute’s Director, officers, and students of BPS402 Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies set-off for a fabulous study tour to Bujang Valley in Kedah from 4 – 6 October.  The entourage of 40 participants was privilege to be guided by Bro. H S Tan and hosted by Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch.

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21 December 2014

Fruitful study tour to Bujang Valley (Part 1)

Over the weekend of 4 – 6 October, Nalanda Institute Malaysia organized a special study tour for BPS402 Higher Certificate students to Bujang Valley, Kedah.  Led by Nalanda Institute’s Director Achariya Tan Siang Chye, the group of 40 Nalanda Institute officers and students were privileged to be guided by Bro. H S Tan through the archaeological and historical sites in and around Sungai Petani.

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7 December 2014

BPS402 – Examination Day!

Since the BPS402 Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies Course started in early July, students had been diligently attending lectures and completing their personal and group assignments.  On Saturday 22 November, they were ready to sit for the course examination at Nalanda Centre.  Students came early to prepare themselves and settled in with a short meditation session to calm their minds.  Tutor Bro. Ananda Fong was present to offer some words of encouragement.

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29 November 2014

BPS402 – Interesting Group Presentations

On Saturday 15 November, students of BPS402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies Course were at Nalanda Centre to present their group assignments.  Seven groups were formed among the participants and the topic was ‘Expansion of Buddhism in South-east Asia’.

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24 November 2014

BPS402 – Lecture 10 on ‘Buddhist Arts & Culture’

Report by Tung Wai Hau

On Saturday 8 November, two of Nalanda Institute’s distinguished lecturers, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama and Achariya Tan Siang Chye delivered the lecture on ‘Buddhist Arts & Culture’.  Students eagerly attended this last lecture of the 5-month BPS402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies course.

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6 November 2014

BPS402 Lecture 8 – “Humanity & Sociology”

On 11 October, students of BPS402 Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies attended Lecture 8 after returning from a fruitful and enjoyable study tour to Bujang Valley a week before.  Achariya Tan Siang Chye explained the Indian social context and political structures that existed during the Buddha’s time.

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