
30 October 2014

Lecture on Buddhist Polity & Economics

Report by Muditā

On Saturday 18 October, Lecture 9 of the on-going BPS402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies was held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Bro. Ananda Fong delivered the lecture on ‘Buddhist Polity & Economics’.  Bro. Ananda Fong discussed several suttas which mentioned the cycles of expansion and contraction of the World, the duties of a monarch/government, and the conditions leading to a nation’s welfare.

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5 October 2014

Semester 2 of Mandarin Buddhist Studies in JB

Report by Rose Cho and Muditā Chan

On 27 and 28 September, Semester 2 of the Mandarin Buddhist Studies Course offered by Nalanda Institute continued at NEO Centre Johor Bahru, after the first semester ended in mid-July.  Participants were enthusiastic and eager to learn as Sis. Nandinī Tan covered the topic of ‘Ten Wholesome and Unwholesome Deeds’.

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4 October 2014

Lecture on the Buddha’s Mission

On Saturday 27 September, Nalanda Institute’s BPS402 Higher Certificate Course participants attended Lecture 7 on “The Buddha’s Mission”.  The session was conducted by Achariya Tan Siang Chye, the Director of Nalanda Institute.  He gave a great account of the early development of Buddha-Sasana and the Buddha’s own lifetime.  The next session of this 5-month course is scheduled on Saturday, 11 October.

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25 September 2014

Historical account of Pre-Buddhist India

Nalanda Institute’s BPS402 Higher Certificate Course participants have recently advanced into Module 2 of the programme covering the “Historical Development of Buddhism”.  On Saturday 6 September, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama conducted Lecture 6 on the subject of “Pre-Buddhist Indian Religious Thoughts”.

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10 September 2014

Historical Vista of Buddhism in Southeast Asia

Participants of Nalanda Institute’s BPS402 Higher Certificate Course recently had the privilege of attending a lecture on the “Historical Development of Buddhism in Southeast Asia” by Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan on Saturday, 30 August.  Bro. Tan, an acknowledged expert on Buddhist history in Southeast Asia, gave the expected ‘virtuoso performance’ on his pet subject.  Participants were mesmerized by broad historical vistas and insightful views on Buddhist expansion across Southeast Asian polities over a span of 1,500 years!

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21 July 2014

Eager to learn Buddhist Scriptures & Doctrines

Report by Sandy Lim  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Saturday 5 July, 46 registered participants attended the first lecture of the much-anticipated BPS 402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies – offered by Nalanda Institute Malaysia.  A similar course (BPS 401) was last organised 5 years ago, also by Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies, from July to December 2009.

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5 July 2014

Enriching Course on ‘Dhammacakka Sutta’

In conjunction with the upcoming ‘Dhamma Day’, Nalanda Institute Malaysia offered a commentarial course on the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ on Saturday 28 June at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The course which was conducted by the Institute’s Director-Emeritus, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, saw a good turnout of 105 participants.

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3 July 2014

Higher Certificate course begins on Saturday

The much-anticipated BPS402 Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies programme will begin this Saturday, 5 July 2014.  This 5-month course is offered by Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies (BPS).  It is suitable for those who have obtained basic qualifications in Buddhist Studies and who wish to deepen their learning and understanding.

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19 June 2014

BPS 402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies

After the successful completion of the 10-session ‘Certificate in Buddhist Studies’ in 2013, Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies is now offering the much anticipated 5-month ‘Higher Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies’, beginning 5 July 2014.

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19 May 2014

Course on ‘True Significance of Wesak’

The final module of ‘Buddhist Devotional Practice’ series on the topic “True Significance of Wesak”  was conducted by Nalanda Institute’s tutors Sis. Sandy Lim and Bro. Tong Siong Yeow on Saturday, 10 May.

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