
25 November 2020

Special forum on “Staying positive during the pandemic”

The Covid-19 pandemic and long periods of lockdowns have severely impacted our lives and livelihoods.  These conditions have led to rising levels of anxiety and depression, including a study that showed more than half of Malaysians experiencing mental health issues during the Movement Control Order.  It is evident that how we direct our minds will determine how we can cope with these unprecedented times of uncertainty.

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4 November 2020

Connect with our hearts

After eleven months into the new decade, most of us would agree on one thing – our time ‘online’ has increased manifold compared to pre-pandemic days.  We have glared into brightly lit screens to work, study, grocery-shop, learn Dhamma and even attend retreats.  With patience, we distanced ourselves socially as needed to help break the chain of Covid-19 infections, but how do we ensure that we do not disconnect ourselves from our humanity?

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21 October 2020

Focus on what we can do

The statistics of mental stress worldwide since the Covid-19 pandemic started show results that are staggering, with manifold increases in reported cases of depression, domestic violence and anxiety. We can manage this better by being mindful of our thoughts and bringing them back to the present moment, whilst gently convincing our minds to not overthink.

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14 October 2020

Conditional MCO starts today

On 12 October, the National Security Council announced the re-enforcement of Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya from 14 to 27 October. The precautionary measures to curb the recent surge of Covid-19 infections include the closure of all religious houses. As such, Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang will remain temporarily closed in adherence to the CMCO.

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11 October 2020

Temporary closure of Nalanda Centre

With the recent surge in Covid-19 cases in the Klang Valley, Nalanda Centre in Serdang will be temporarily closed from Mondays to Saturdays, as a precautionary measure. We hope you and your loved ones stay safe, maintain a positive spirit, and have a tranquil mind amidst the challenges we face with this pandemic.

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10 October 2020

‘Reach out’ on World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day this year comes at a time when every aspect of our daily lives is upheaved by the COVID-19 pandemic. We can help the situation in our personal capacities by reaching out to those around us with more empathy.  By developing our empathy in understanding the challenges others face, we are able to respond in a more compassionate, kind and patient manner.

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8 October 2020

Prevent storms from destroying our calmness of mind

With over a quarter of a million new cases being reported daily around the world, the Covid-19 pandemic is still a far cry from passing.  In Malaysia, new clusters in the North and opposite the Peninsular has seen a dramatic surge of new cases over the past week causing many people to worry and be anxious over how the days ahead may unfold.

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28 July 2020

It is our duty to keep others safe

In just the last 4 weeks, another 6.7 million people have been infected by Covid-19 worldwide bringing the total number of infections to 16.7 million.  Over 650,000 of those infected have succumbed to the virus, and more than 66,000 are in critical condition.  The numbers are staggering and yet the peak is likely not over, according to experts.

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28 June 2020

The Covid-19 surge is not over

The world marked another grim milestone today with 10 million confirmed Covid-19 infections resulting in more than 500,000 deaths. Four large countries – the United States of America, Brazil, Russia and India – account for 50% of all cases reported globally. Indeed, the epicentre of this pandemic has shifted from Asia to Europe, North America, and now to Latin America.

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10 June 2020

Less restrictions, more restraint

Today, Malaysia entered the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) period with multiple restrictions being lifted after months of concerted efforts to bring the number of Covid-19 infections down.  Many businesses have resumed operations and people are returning to their usual lifestyles in a cautionary mode to prevent a second wave of infections.

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