
28 February 2023

Hosting Ven. Paññajoti

Nalanda is hosting Venerable Paññajoti this Thursday to Sunday (2 to 5 March) at Nalanda Centre.  Venerable hails from Sarawak and was ordained in the Mahayana tradition in 2015 after studying the teachings for over two decades.  In 2018, venerable was ordained as a Theravada Bhikkhu by Venerable Dvipitaka Sayadaw Ashin Kovidābhivamsa (Myanmar).  Venerable Paññajoti currently resides in Seremban.

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8 February 2023

Pindacāra during Lunar New Year festivities

On Saturday 4 February, the community at O.U.G. and Happy Market gathered to perform the meritorious deed of dāna in support of the Mahā Sangha. Even as vendors and marketgoers are busy preparing for the last few days of the Lunar New Year festivities, many stepped forward to offer food and requisites at Pindacāra (monks on alms-round), experiencing the joy of giving especially to those worthy of honour.

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22 December 2022

Dhamma Talk by Ven. Wanarathana & New Year Dana

On the first day of the new year, we invite you to join us to learn Dhamma with Ven. Wanarathana after the morning meditation, offering and chanting.  We also invite you to join the offering of lunch dana to venerable sir.  You may bring cooked food and fruits to offer.

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30 June 2022

Dhamma Forum

‘Dhamma Day’ commemorates the preaching of Buddha’s first discourse after His Enlightenment – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ – where the Buddha taught His initial disciples the fundamental teachings of the ‘Four Noble Truths’.  To commemorate the auspicious anniversary of this occasion, join us on 17 July for a Dhamma Forum to learn and reflect on Dhamma with good spiritual friends.

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6 July 2021

Dāna is not just about giving

Dāna – the practice of giving – is a fundamental cultivation for Buddhists.  We are often encouraged to offer alms to Sangha members, perform service at temples, monasteries and Dhamma centres, as well as provide advice and encouragement to our friends.  Giving enables us to experience deeper joy because it is not reliant on material gain, instead it opens up our hearts to connect with others.

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3 February 2020

Meritorious deeds at monthly Pindacāra

On Saturday 1 February, devotees gathered at the Taman O.U.G. and Happy Garden markets to volunteer in the monthly community outreach programme, ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round).  This programme enables the community to learn how to support Sangha members and provides a platform for them to do meritorious deeds.

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7 January 2020

Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan Siang Chye

On the first Sunday Service of 2020 on 5 January, Bro. Tan Siang Chye delivered a Dhamma talk during the weekly Sunday Morning Service.  He spoke about the importance of reflection.  Having listened to a Dhamma talk or read a Dhamma book, we should contemplate about what we learned and consider our own progress on the path of Dhamma.  We also need to follow through by taking action to change for the better.

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30 November 2019

Dhamma Teaching by Venerable Ajahn Karuniko

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Ajahn Karuniko, former Abbot of Cittaviveka Chithurst Forest Monastery, U.K. for a Dhamma teaching this Sunday 1 December. We invite you to join the programme which starts at 9am with a meal offering to Ajahn.  The service continues with meditation, chanting and a Dhamma teaching.  You may bring cooked vegetarian food to offer.  All are welcome!

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23 November 2019

Gratitude and joy on ‘Sangha Day’

On Sunday 17 November, hundreds of devotees streamed into Nalanda Centre to pay tribute to the Mahā Sangha in the annual observance of ‘Sangha Day’.  This important occasion enables Buddhist laity to express gratitude and support to the Sangha (monastic community) by offering robes and other requisites, thus practising generosity and humility through the acts of giving.

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22 November 2019

Honouring the Three Jewels on ‘Sangha Day’

On Saturday 16 November, devotees observed ‘Sangha Day’ at Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch by learning Dhamma and honouring the Sangha.  We joyfully welcomed Bhante Lim of Dhammavana Meditation (Bukit Mertajam) Centre who delivered a Dhamma talk.

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