
17 November 2019

Thank you for an inspiring ‘Sangha Day’

Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all venerable monks, teachers, donors, devotees and volunteers who joined us in today’s  ‘Sangha Day’ observance.  Your devotion and support has made this a truly joyous event.  Thank you!

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4 September 2019

Bearing gratitude on Memorial day

31 August 2019 marked the 13th Anniversary of the late Ven. Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda’s passing.  Nalanda members and devotees honoured our late Spiritual Adviser with a commemoration ceremony in the morning.  After the meditation, puja and chanting, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama delivered a Dhamma talk on the benefits of gratitude and appreciation.

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30 June 2019

First Sanghika Dāna at Wisdom Park

On 6 June, Nalandians congregated at Wisdom Park to welcome venerable monks and nuns representing the Mahā Sangha to the first Sanghika Dāna held there. Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero who was present advised us to be consistent in living a Buddhist way of life to enhance our spiritual well-being.  If we were to focus only on material comforts and neglect spiritual  development, we may not be able to tolerate even the slightest adversity and difficulty.

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17 May 2019

Joyful programmes this ‘Buddha Day’

This weekend, Buddhists around the world will commemorate the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago, and mark the beginning of Buddhist Year (B.E.) 2563.  We invite you, your family and friends to join spiritual and learning programmes at Nalanda Centre, which includes Dhamma teachings, Sutta Study, and the highlight of our celebrations – the annual Heritage Procession and worshipping of Buddha Relic.

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30 March 2019

A respectful way of life

On Sunday 10 March, Nalanda was honoured to host Venerable N. Jinananda, the President of Buddhist Monks’ Council of Canada for a Dhamma talk.  Venerable shared that the teachings of the Buddha is based on respect for oneself and others.  After His Enlightenment, the Buddha gazed at the Bodhi tree out of gratitude, a teaching to us to bear respectful mindsets even for inanimate objects.

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3 February 2019

Dhamma talk by Ajahn Achalo

On 2 December 2018, Nalanda was honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Achalo for a Dhamma talk on his first visit to Nalanda Centre. Ajahn Achalo reminded us that in our samsaric existence, we are affected by ignorance – the cause of all suffering.  This ignorance of ‘not knowing the true nature of the way things are’ results in us perceiving things incorrectly and culminates in craving and anger.  The remedy to ‘not knowing’ is simply ‘to know’; achieved through cultivating wisdom and concentration.

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12 November 2018

Nalanda to host Bhikkhu Alokavamsa

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Indonesian bhikkhu, Venerable Alokavamsa, from 17 to 19 November.  On Sunday, 18 November, we welcome everyone to offer breakfast dāna (7.00am) at Nalanda Centre, and lunch dāna (11.00am) at NEO Centre Happy Garden.  You may bring vegetarian food or ripe fruits as offerings.  For more information, please contact Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1500.  Thank you!

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31 October 2018

‘Sangha Day’ robe & requisite offering

‘Sangha Day’ is celebrated annually at Nalanda to honour the virtues and contributions of the Maha Sangha (monastic order) in preserving and propagating the Buddha’s teaching.  This is an occasion to express our gratitude to monks and nuns who strive diligently to bring happiness and peace to the world.

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26 May 2018

Food offering to the community

Every year on Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, Nalanda members and devotees are encouraged to cook and prepare meals to offer to visitors so as to cultivate loving-kindness, generosity and humility.  Not only do we prepare the food with mettā, we are also the ones personally offering it to the public with respect.  This mass food offering has been a Nalandian tradition since our inception.

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5 May 2018

Ven. Dhammavuddho in Johor Bahru

NEO Centre Johor Bahru is honoured to host Venerable Dhammavuddho Mahathera this Thursday, 10 May for a Dhamma talk, starting at 8.00pm.  Ven. Dhammavuddho is the founder-abbot of Vihara Buddha Gotama, a forest monastery in Perak founded mainly for the study, teaching, practice and propagation of the Buddha’s discourses, monastic discipline, and meditation.

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