Dhamma Discussions

5 April 2015

Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch Members’ Day

On Saturday 28 March, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch held our monthly Members’ Day at the usual meeting place – Gurun Buddhist Association.  Members who attended the gathering were glad to have Bro. Tan’s presence during the meeting.  Branch Committee Member Dr. Aw shared his reflections on the “Mūlapariyāya Sutta” with the gathering.  After which, Dr. Song led an interactive discussion session on the topics from Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro’s book – “Without and Within”.

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15 February 2015

Memorable National Service Trainees’ Programme

On Sunday 8 February, Nalanda Youths hosted the last session of the National Service trainees’ Programme.  The session started at 2pm and prolonged for another hour till 6pm.  The National Service trainees enjoyed the session very much, especially the lively sharing by Bro. Aggaphala on “How to face challenges in Society”.  The trainees were motivated to face challenges and adversities in life with courage.

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29 January 2015

National Service Trainees at Nalanda

On Sunday 18 January, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted the 6th session of National Service trainees for the first batch in 2015.  We had the opportunity to invite Bro. Aggaphala, a professional counsellor to conduct an interactive session with the trainees.

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31 December 2014

School holiday stay-In programmes

From 24 – 26 November and 8 – 10 December, two stay-in programmes were conducted for teenagers from Nalanda Dhamma School Sri Serdang.  Both programmes were held with the objectives of preparing students for their Dharma School examinations – the Majjhima and Nalanda examinations.  These examinations are conducted annually to enhance the students’ knowledge and skills in chanting, doctrines, verses from the Dhammapada, and Buddhist culture.

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18 December 2014

Nalanda SP Branch 9th Members’ Day

On Saturday 22 November, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch had our monthly Members’ Day at Gurun Buddhist Association.  Branch Chairman Bro. Khaw Seng Giap and Committee Member Bro. Fong updated members on the proposed building plans for NEO Centre Sungai Petani with beautiful slides.  They briefed members of the procedures ahead – to obtain members’ approval for the plan and thereafter to call tenders.

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30 October 2014

Lecture on Buddhist Polity & Economics

Report by Muditā

On Saturday 18 October, Lecture 9 of the on-going BPS402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies was held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Bro. Ananda Fong delivered the lecture on ‘Buddhist Polity & Economics’.  Bro. Ananda Fong discussed several suttas which mentioned the cycles of expansion and contraction of the World, the duties of a monarch/government, and the conditions leading to a nation’s welfare.

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7 October 2014

Full-moon Uposatha Day Service

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 8 October) is the full-moon day of ‘Assayuja’ month, which marks the end of the 3-month annual ‘Vassana’ (‘Rains Retreat’) period for Theravada monks.  We will observe this auspicious occasion at Nalanda Centre with Pūja (offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’), meditation, and Dhamma-sharing.  We cordially invite everyone to join us for this Uposatha Day Service starting at 8.00 pm.  All are welcome!

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3 September 2014

Dialogue on “Buddhist Perspective on Wealth”

On Saturday 9 August, Universiti Putra Malaysia Buddhist Society’s (PBUPM) Alumni organized a dialogue themed <佛教财富观> (“Buddhist Perspective of Wealth”) at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.   The dialogue was presented by Venerable Chang Zao (常藻法师), Superintendent of Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia, and Dato’ Ir. Ang Choo Hong (拿督洪祖豐居士).  The moderator was Bro. Tan Yong Chin (陳永淨).

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14 July 2014

National Service Trainees at Nalanda

Report by Tai Wei Kit, Programme Co-ordinator & Nalandian Youth

Every Sunday afternoon from April to June 2014, Nalanda Centre hosted the second batch of 2014 National Service (NS) trainees for their Dhamma-learning Programme.  Nalanda Youths were given the wonderful opportunity to take charge of the three-hour weekly programme over 10 sessions.

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15 April 2014

A fruitful day of Dhamma Learning

On Saturday 12 April, Nalanda Dharma School Facilitators explored the ‘Mangala Sutta’ – the discourse on 38 supreme blessings expounded by the Buddha.  “To live at a suitable place; to cherish wife and children, to have a peaceful occupation, and to abstain from unwholesome states” are but a few blessings listed in this enlightening discourse.

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