Sunday 12 January marked the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the 1st Theravada Bhikkhuni Sima, Nunnery and Dhamma Training Centre of Ariya Vihara at Kwasa Damansara, Selangor. Nalanda leaders and members joined dozens of Buddhist community leaders and supporters in this milestone event, on the land which was gazetted for this use on 18 March 2021 by the State Government.
Read moreToday is the Full-moon day of the month Phussa. Uposatha days such as today are good occasions to renew our dedication and strengthen our Dhamma practice. We can observe the Eight Precepts, allocate time and effort to wisely reflect on the Dhamma, and perform meritorious deeds.
Read moreJust this morning, we sent off Ven. Luang Por Viradhammo and 34 yogis after the completion of the Meditation Retreat organised by Buddhadhamma Foundation (BDF), Singapore. The 8-day retreat at Wisdom Park was held from Saturday 30 November to Sunday 8 December, and hosted by Nalanda members and volunteers who offered the facilities there as well as their service.
Read moreOn Saturday 5 October, over 70 participants and volunteers gathered at Nalanda Centre for the BPS 307 (Certificate in Buddhist Studies) written evaluation. Preparing over the past weeks by revising lecture notes and having group discussions, 55 participants sat for the evaluation, the final part of the certificate course run by Nalanda Institute Malaysia.
Read moreOn the coming Full-moon Day of ‘Jeṭṭha’ month this Thursday 20 June, we invite Buddhist practitioners to spend this day wisely reflecting on the Dhamma, performing meritorious deeds, and deepening our practice by observing the Eight Precepts.
Read moreOn Sunday 12 March, we were honoured to host Ven. Ajahn Pavaro at Nalanda Centre, a day after the retreat led by Ajahn at Wisdom Park. In his Dhamma talk, Ajahn advised us to be relentless in our practise of the Noble Eightfold Path, even if we do not yet perceive the results which we expect.
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