Dhamma Practice

16 June 2024

Full-moon Uposatha service & Dhamma talk

On the coming Full-moon Day of ‘Jeṭṭha’ month this Thursday 20 June, we invite Buddhist practitioners to spend this day wisely reflecting on the Dhamma, performing meritorious deeds, and deepening our practice by observing the Eight Precepts. 

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26 March 2023

Reflections on Dhamma practice with Ajahn Pavaro

On Sunday 12 March, we were honoured to host Ven. Ajahn Pavaro at Nalanda Centre, a day after the retreat led by Ajahn at Wisdom Park.  In his Dhamma talk, Ajahn advised us to be relentless in our practise of the Noble Eightfold Path, even if we do not yet perceive the results which we expect. 

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