Dhamma programmes

25 January 2024

A wholesome Uposatha Day at Nalanda

Today, members and volunteers from across Nalanda’s educational divisions gathered to learn, discuss and plan for upcoming programmes at Nalanda Centre.  These trainings and meetings carried out harmoniously with kalyana-mittas are an important part of the education mission process to foster togetherness, enhance our skills and yield beneficial results.  This wholesome day continues with the group meditation and a Dhamma talk by Sis. Nandini Tan at NEO Centre in Happy Garden this evening at 8pm.

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30 December 2023

January Dhamma programmes at Nalanda

With the new 2024 year just around the corner, we invite you to join us for Dhamma programmes in January and note them in your calendar.  Let us take these opportunities to start the year by learning and reflecting on the Buddha’s profound teachings with respected Sangha and lay teachers, as well as to train the mind towards inner peace and joy.  See you at Nalanda!

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