Dhamma-Sarana Day

25 April 2017

Dhamma enriches our spiritual path

Report by Megan.

On the Full-moon Uposatha of 12 March, Nalandians and devotees dedicated the whole day to cultivating their minds at Nalanda Centre.  The day was designated a ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’; the programme included the observance of Eight-Precepts, Dhamma teachings by venerable monks, and meditation sessions.

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22 April 2017

Teachings by Ajahn Tiradhammo

Sunday 12 March was ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’ at Nalanda Centre, a day dedicated to learning, practising and contemplating the Dhamma.  Ajahn Tiradhammo, a disciple of the late Ajahn Chah, was specially invited to give an evening Dhamma talk for the occasion.

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11 March 2017

‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’

12 March 2017 is ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’ – it is the full-moon on a Sunday – and we encourage devotees to spend morning till evening at Nalanda Centre learning, practising, and contemplating the Dhamma.

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