Dhamma School Teachers

11 June 2024

Reunion Day for 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School teachers

Last Saturday 8 June, over 35 Dhamma School and Free School teachers, as well as programme leads came together for a day of learning at Wisdom Park.  In this first Reunion Day after the National Camp in March, teachers were very happy to be reunited to once again leverage and learn from each other.

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2 April 2024

Dhamma School teachers connect and enthused at National Camp

From 28 to 31 March, over 100 teachers and volunteers from communities across Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, immersed themselves in joyful learning and service at the 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers.  Co-organised by Nalanda Buddhist Society and Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia, this gathering of like-minded teachers explored "Education of the Heart", a holistic approach to spiritual and personal development that encompasses not just intellectual understanding, but also the cultivation of virtues and qualities that lead to the transformation of the heart.

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1 April 2024

Thank You for an inspiring camp

The 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School teachers concluded just yesterday, with much joy and exuberance for all 100 teachers and volunteers.  Inspired by the learning sessions, discussions, forums, and workshops over the 4 days, teachers made aspirations to be unrelenting in this noble role of relaying the profound Dhamma, and in progressing their own learning and spiritual growth.  A big ‘THANK YOU’ to all organisers, volunteers and participants for the wonderful learning experience and spiritual friendship.  Sadhu anumodana!

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30 March 2024

Celebrating selfless service at National Camp for Dhamma School teachers

This morning, 70 Dhamma School teachers from across Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore planted the ‘Bunga Tanjung’ (Mimusops elengi) tree, dedicating it to teachers during the 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School teachers at Wisdom Park.

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26 March 2024

National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers is just 2 days away

We look forward to welcome registered participants to Wisdom Park, Kuala Kubu Bahru for the second National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers.  Jointly organised by Nalanda Buddhist Society and the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM), the Camp is a platform for Dhamma School teachers to learn and discuss ways to enhance approaches in sharing the Buddha's teachings in a systematic and engaging manner to the younger generation. 

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