The Nottingham University Buddhist Society held their 7th Annual Camp at Nalanda Centre from 24 to 26 March. The objective of the camp was to let participants understand the dangers of attachments, and to develop Right View.
Read moreWe invite ALL volunteers of the recent Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ Observance at Nalanda to join us for this week’s Sunday morning service, followed by a volunteer appreciation ceremony. The service begins at 9.00am with meditation, chanting, and a Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan, followed by volunteers’ sharing and communal lunch. All are welcome!
Read moreSaturday 18 March was Nalanda “Patron’s Day” and the 99th birth anniversary of our late spiritual adviser – Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda. In conjunction with the occasion, Sis. Sandy Lim gave a Mandarin Dhamma talk on what constitutes ‘the highest gift’ at Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch.
Read moreToday is the eve of Wesak full-moon ‘Buddha Day’. A very significant spiritual moment happened in the life of the Buddha this day before His Enlightenment. He received food offering from Lady Sujata and with strength regained, He sat meditating under the pipal tree throughout the night, and achieved Awakening the next dawn!
Read moreThis year’s Nalanda Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ celebrations went off on a terrific start since early yesterday morning. The good weather brought a steady stream of visitors to Nalanda Centre throughout the day.
Read moreThe celebration of Wesak begins at Nalanda Centre today with morning service at 9.00am, followed by Dhamma talks by Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama on the “Nine Attributes of the Buddha”, and Mandarin talk by Bro. Ooi Boon Keat on “佛陀的九种德行”. This afternoon at 2.00pm, there will be a forum on “Getting to know the Buddha”, featuring Dharma Drum Malaysia Superintendent Venerable Bhikshuni Changzao, and Bro. Wong from Bodhi KL Musical Group.
Read moreThe Wesak Full-moon ‘Buddha Day’ commemorates the Blessed One’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago. This full-moon marks the 2561st anniversary of His passing; hence the Buddhist Era (B.E.) 2561. Nalanda will observe ‘Buddha Day’ from 7 May (Sunday) to 10 May (Wednesday). We joyfully invite you to join us for the following ‘Buddha Day’ programmes lined up starting this weekend:
Read moreOn Wednesday 8 March, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Buddharakkhita from Ireland. As the day also marked the third anniversary of MH370 incident, Nalandians took the opportunity to invite Ajahn for a Dhamma talk after the weekly meditation session.
Read moreNalanda Centre is honoured to host renowned social-reformer and inspiring teacher – Venerable Sanghasena Mahathera – on his upcoming journey to Malaysia. Ven. Sanghasena, who is the Founder and President of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh, will arrive at Nalanda from India for a 2-day visit starting this Tuesday, 18 April.
Read moreOn Sunday 5 March, Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave a Dhamma talk on the happiness and wealth we can gain from contentment. In an age of uber-materialism, many societies suffer from perpetual discontent due to endless cravings that bring about unwholesome states to our mind. In a futile search for happiness through mundane pleasures of the senses, we find that whatever ‘happiness’ we gain is transient and fleeting. Is there hope for any lasting, stable happiness?
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