Dhamma Talk

29 April 2016

Memorial Service for earthquake victims

On Monday 25 April, Nalanda Centre held a special memorial service to mark the first anniversary of the devastating earthquake that caused widespread damage and the death of more than 8,000 people in Nepal alone.

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28 April 2016

Observing precepts and morality  

On Sunday 24 April, Sis. Santi Cheang gave a talk on ‘Observing the 5 Precepts’ to participants of BPS 033 ‘Buddhist Practice & Devotion’ course.  She explained that Precepts form the basis of morality for Buddhists.  It strengthens our commitment to spiritual practice, and ensures a life of integrity and peace.  Precepts are observed voluntarily by devotees; they are not commandments from the Buddha.

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26 April 2016

Taking refuge in the Three Jewels

On Sunday 17 April, Sister Buddhini Tan gave a talk on ‘Going for Refuge’ to participants of BPS 033 ‘Buddhist Practice & Devotion’ course.  Sis. Buddhini explained that the practice of ‘Going for Refuge’ existed even before the Buddha’s time.  It was customary for a follower to proclaim his or her faith in the teacher or a higher power.

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24 April 2016

Emulate the Buddha’s qualities

On Sunday 17 April, the Superintendent of Dharma Drum Malaysia, Venerable Bhikshuni Chang Zao (常藻法师), was invited to Nalanda to give a Mandarin Dhamma talk on ‘Correct Practices & Devotion’ for Buddhists (“正信的佛教是什么?”).  She highlighted the essential teachings of Buddhism, and how it spread throughout the world.

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23 April 2016

Service in honour of Sayādaw U Panditā

On Sunday 17 April, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan led a special service in memory of Sayādaw U Panditābhivamsa, who passed away a day earlier.  The service began at 9.00am with meditation, followed by offerings and Pāli chanting.  The 300-strong congregation then listened to an insightful talk by Bro. Tan, who started by asking rhetorically, “Do kings have suffering?”

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18 April 2016

Being good is a ‘gift’ to others

On Wednesday 13 April, we were fortunate to have Venerable Ajahn Chandako leading the weekly meditation session and giving a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre.  Ajahn Chandako hails from the Thai forest tradition of Ajahn Chah, and is the abbot of Vimutti Forest Monastery in New Zealand.

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16 April 2016

Perform rites and rituals intelligently

On Sunday 10 April, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama gave a talk on ‘Rites & Rituals’, which is part of the BPS 033 Buddhist Devotional Practice course.  He explained how rites and rituals evolved with human development and had an important role in binding communities culturally.

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5 April 2016

Prioritising Dhamma practice

On Sunday 3 April, Sis. Sunanda gave a sharing on the ‘Dhammapada’ for our daily reflection.  She quoted the popular twin verses: “In the unessential they imagine the essential, in the essential they see the unessential  ̶  they who entertain (such) wrong thoughts never realise the essence.”

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31 March 2016

Observing ‘Cheng Beng’ meritoriously

Although ‘Cheng Beng’ (or ‘Qing Ming’, 清明节) was not originally a Buddhist tradition, it has nevertheless  been observed by Chinese Buddhists for centuries.  The Buddha taught that our duties towards parents and relatives do not end with their death.  After their demise, we should continue to honour them by performing wholesome, meritorious and noble deeds, and thereafter dedicate merits to them.

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9 March 2016

Dhamma talk in Karawang, Indonesia

On Sunday 14 February, Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma talk at Vihāra Sanghamitta in Karawang, about 70km east of Jakarta.  He was there as a guest speaker at the invitation of its Abbess, Venerable Bhikkhunī Ayya Santinī.  The talk was attended by 200 devotees, and was held in honour of Venerable Ayya Sīlavatī’s 63rd birthday.

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