On Sunday 22 November, Bro. Benny Liow gave a talk on ‘Reflections for Daily Life’. In his talk, he said the Buddha taught two types of reflection (attention) – wise reflection (‘yoniso manasikāra’) and unwise reflection (‘ayoniso manasikāra‘).
Read moreOn Tuesday 10 November, Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma talk in conjunction with Deepavali and the visit by members of Firefly Mission Singapore. Bro. Tan said that Deepavali is celebrated as the Festival of Lights; but there must also be a ‘Light of Dhamma’ within us. It is a ‘guiding light’ which we can depend on to help ourselves and others.
Read more‘Sangha Day’ at Nalanda Centre yesterday was a joyous occasion and celebrated with much gratitude and reverence for monks and nuns who played a vital role in the preservation of Buddha-Sāsanā. Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan said in his talk, “Today we have the Buddha’s teachings because it has been passed down through generations of monks, nuns and lay people, and for that we are forever grateful.”
Read moreOn Sunday 1 November, Venerable Ayya Susīlā gave a Dhamma talk on ‘Mindfulness and daily meditation practice’. The topic is a popular request, even among devotees overseas. Ayya Susīlā gave the definition of mindfulness, sati, as “keeping the mind in the present moment. When we keep our minds in the present moment, our minds are clear”.
Read moreOn Saturday 31 October, Venerable Ayya Susīlā and Appamādaviharī Meditation Centre Committee Members from Penang visited Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation tour. They were warmly greeted by Nalandians who made them welcome and gladly took them around the centre. Ayya Susīlā and the visitors then met with senior Nalanda officers for a genial discussion on the Society’s operations and educational activities.
Read more“The Verb is Me” was the interesting Dhamma talk given by Achariya Tan Siang Chye on Service Sunday, 25 October. He explained that humans exist because they are constantly changing, vibrating and moving. In reality, humans are ‘verbs and not nouns’.
Read moreOn Wednesday 21 October, Venerable Sayadaw Asabhacara gave a guided meditation and Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre. In his talk, Ven. Asabhacara encouraged devotees to meditate diligently and maintain mindfulness in our daily activities. Devotees also took the opportunity to clarify doubts on their daily practice during the Q & A session.
Read moreOn 4 October, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama gave a Dhamma talk on “Mindfulness: The Way to Happiness” during Service Sunday. He said many people have misconceptions about what constitutes happiness. For example, people often mistake pleasure for happiness. When we seek pleasure, which is tenuous and fleeting, inevitably we will become dissatisfied and unhappy.
Read moreOn Sunday 11 October, Dhamma teacher Sis. Tan Yee Yong gave a talk based on 10 Buddhist stories taken from the Jataka Tales, Samyutta Nikaya, and Majjhima Nikaya. One of the stories, taken from Samyutta Nikaya 11.6(6) The Bird Nests, tells of how kindness saved Sakka, lord of the devas and his army who were escaping from their enemy, the asuras.
Read moreOn Sunday 27 September, a memorial service was held in honour of two illustrious teachers – Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, a foremost and distinguished scholar in the Pāli language; and Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka, a prodigious teacher who taught millions of practitioners the technique and bliss of Vipassāna Meditation. Both great men passed away on the same day, 29 September 2013; their likes will rarely be seen again.
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