On Saturday 26 September, Lecture 10 of BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies – was conducted at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang by Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama. Achariya Vijaya explained the origin of devotional practices in Buddhism and why it was important to carry out these practices with wisdom and right understanding, and not just on blind faith. He also explained the meaning of Saddha (faith) in the Buddhist context.
Read moreOn Saturday 26 September, Nalanda Buddhist Society Founder Bro. Tan was invited to give two motivational talks to the staff of Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma School (BISDS) at the Buddhist Māha Vihāra, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur. The talks were attended by 45 BISDS staff members, as well as six facilitators and four students from Nalanda Dhamma School.
Read moreOn Sunday 20 September, Bro. Ananda Fong gave a talk on “Rebirth”. He related a few Buddhist accounts of rebirth, besides showing scientific research on the subject by Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Brian Weiss. In ‘Majjhima Nikāya’ No. 41 the ‘Saleyyaka Sutta’, the Buddha elaborated on why some beings after death reappear in happy or unhappy destinations. It is through righteous conduct in accordance with the Dhamma that beings are born in fortunate realms.
Read moreOn 13 September, Professor Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee, an eloquent and proficient speaker, gave a Dhamma talk on ‘Sammā Sankappa’ (Right Thought) during Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre.
Read moreOn Wednesday 9 September, Nalanda was honoured with Ayya Susīla’s presence to lead us in the weekly group meditation and Dhamma discussion. Many Dhamma practitioners eagerly turned up to learn from Ayya’s vast experience and knowledge in the field.
Read moreOn Sunday 6 September, many devotees were delighted with the Dhamma sharing by Datuk Charlie Chia, who shared his experiences as a youth learning Dhamma from the late Venerable Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero.
Read moreOn Sunday 30 August, Nalandians and devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang for a Dhamma talk by Achariya Tan Siang Chye with the title “A Humble Tribute”. He recollected his fond memories of the much respected and beloved Venerable Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero.
Read moreOn Sunday 23 August, Bro. Benny Liow shared his unforgettable memoirs of the late Ven. Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero. He remembers with gratitude the late venerable as a spiritual father to him.
Read moreOn Sunday 16 August, devotees were delighted with Dr. Phang’s lively Dhamma talk on “7 Habits for Cultivating Beginner’s Mind”. He described the characteristics of a beginner’s mind which is free from fixated perception, and is full of curiosity like a child’s mind.
Read moreOn Sunday 2 August, Ven. Chi Kwang Sunim gave an interesting Dhamma talk on ‘Spreading Dharma in the West – the Australian Experience’ much to the delight of devotees. Ayya shared her teaching experiences at various Buddhist Centres in Australia and emphasised the importance of family bonding as parents are the children’s first teachers. As they grow up, the close family relations and guidance from the Dhamma will shape them into useful adults.
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