Dhamma Teaching

7 June 2016

Big ‘thank you’ to Wesak volunteers  

On Sunday 29 May, Nalandians gathered to observe Nalanda’s monthly Samaggi Day.  It was also the ideal opportunity for the Society’s Management to acknowledge and thank the volunteers who had worked tirelessly before, during and after the recent Buddha Day celebrations.

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6 June 2016

What is the highest delight?

“‘Delight’ means experiencing joy, pleasure, and happiness.  The Buddha described that of all delights, the delight in Dhamma is most excellent (Pāli – “Sabbaratim dhammarati jinati”; Dhammapada verse 354).  Why is that so?

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1 June 2016

Commemorating ‘Buddha Day’

On Wesak full-moon ‘Buddha Day’, which fell on 21 May this year, Nalanda founder Bro. H. S. Tan gave an insightful and profound Dhamma talk to commemorate the most important day of the year for Buddhists.  This auspicious day also marks the start of the Buddhist Era (B. E.) 2560, marking the 2,560th anniversary since the Buddha’s Parinibbāna (passing away).

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18 May 2016

Prioritise Dhamma learning this Wesak

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ commemorates the profound event of Buddha’s ‘Enlightenment’ – in other words, His complete realisation of truth and liberation from suffering.  The path towards ‘Enlightenment’ begins with learning and practising Dhamma.  Thus, we should prioritise spiritual cultivation over rituals in observing Wesak Day.

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10 May 2016

Joyous anniversary on 1 May

On Sunday 1 May, Nalandians from near and far happily gathered at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang to celebrate the Society’s 13th anniversary, also known to us as ‘Nalanda Day’.  The day’s programme started with breakfast dāna at 7am, followed by meditation and chanting at 9am.

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13 April 2016

Campers attend reunion at Nalanda

On Sunday 10 April, 70 participants of the Dhamma Living Camp 2016 which was held last month at Genting Highlands, gathered at Nalanda Centre for a cheerful ‘reunion’.  It was a happy occasion as the campers greeted each other with great warmth and joy.  Participants said that their experiences at the camp had made a huge difference in their lives, and given their spiritual practice a boost.

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11 April 2016

Do good deeds with attentiveness

On Thursday 7 April, Bro. Tan shared with us the story of one of  Sri Lanka’s great Buddhist kings – King Dutthagamani – who is mentioned in the Mahavamsa, the Great Chronicles of Sri Lanka.  Besides defeating the enemies of Sri Lanka, King Dutthagamani is remembered for being instrumental in the development and preservation of Buddhism on the island as well as for the building of great Buddhist stupas, expanding many temples, and supporting the Sangha during his reign.

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26 March 2016

Story about two kinds of ‘search’

On Wednesday 23 March, Bro. Tan gave a teaching during the Full-moon Uposatha Service.  He told a story about the two kinds of search – the ‘noble search’ and the ‘ignoble search’.  At the time of the Buddha, a group of youths had gone to amuse themselves in a park; and while they were immersed in play, thieves absconded with their valuables.  The youths, realising that their valuables had been stolen, went all over the place in search of those thieves.

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24 March 2016

‘Life-changing’ experience at camp

The Dhamma Living Camp 2016 held over last weekend was a joyous and truly inspiring event which touched the hearts of all its participants.  Many even described their experience as ‘life-changing’, and were determined to establish a habit of daily spiritual practice in line with the Buddha’s teachings.

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26 January 2016

Dhamma Living Camp 2016

Nalanda’s inspiring Dhamma Living Camp is back by popular demand!  This unique camp is tailored for those who wish to learn and understand what it means to “live in accordance with Dhamma”.  Among the highlights of the camp are insightful Dhamma teachings by Bro. Tan, mindful meditation, and relaxation activities.

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