Dhamma Teaching

11 March 2015

Ajahn Sumedho to visit Nalanda Centre

We are very pleased and honoured to welcome Venerable Ajahn Sumedho to Nalanda Centre this weekend!  Ajahn Sumedho is a highly-respected senior monk in the Thai forest tradition.  He was ordained in Thailand in the 1960’s and trained for years with the late Ajahn Chah, being the famous Dhamma Master’s senior-most Western disciple.

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25 February 2015

Maintaining family well-being and harmony

On Sunday 15 February, Bro. Tan gave a brief sharing in conjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year.  He began by paraphrasing Tolstoy, “Unhappy families are unhappy for many reasons. Happy families are always happy for the same reasons”.  The key to family well-being and harmony is genuine love, appreciation, respect, and simplicity.

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6 January 2015

Celebrating a decade of excellent education

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29 December 2014

Fruitful study tour to Bujang Valley (Part 2)

Report by tour participants Sis. Kwa Ai Ai, Livin Leow and Mudita Chan

A special expedition comprising Nalanda Institute’s Director, officers, and students of BPS402 Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies set-off for a fabulous study tour to Bujang Valley in Kedah from 4 – 6 October.  The entourage of 40 participants was privilege to be guided by Bro. H S Tan and hosted by Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch.

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21 December 2014

Fruitful study tour to Bujang Valley (Part 1)

Over the weekend of 4 – 6 October, Nalanda Institute Malaysia organized a special study tour for BPS402 Higher Certificate students to Bujang Valley, Kedah.  Led by Nalanda Institute’s Director Achariya Tan Siang Chye, the group of 40 Nalanda Institute officers and students were privileged to be guided by Bro. H S Tan through the archaeological and historical sites in and around Sungai Petani.

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1 December 2014

Service Sunday and appreciation luncheon

Report by Lim Ajit

On Sunday 16 November, a fortnight after the successful hosting of ‘Xuan Zang – Journey to the West’ musical, a special Service Sunday and volunteer appreciation luncheon was held at Nalanda Centre.  The simple celebration was to express gratitude and appreciation to all volunteers who contributed towards the success of the Musical.  It was also an occasion to offer a special blessing service to Bro. Tan and his entourage who were leaving on a pilgrimage to India and Nepal the next morning.

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15 November 2014

Welcome ‘Home’ – Firefly Mission Singapore

On Monday 27 October, 90 members of Firefly Mission and Singaporean devotees came to Nalanda Centre for a ‘homecoming’ visit.  Despite it being a working day, many Nalandians took time off to accord them a warm and fitting welcome!

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13 November 2014

Service Sunday & Volunteer Appreciation

This Sunday 16 November, Nalanda will be hosting all volunteers of our recent successful staging of ‘Xuan Zang – Journey to the West’ musical.  We cordially invite all volunteers of the event to join in a simple celebration with appreciation luncheon at Nalanda Centre.  The programme runs from 9.00am to 11.30am; Bro. Tan will be giving a Dhamma teaching as well.
A hearty “Thank you” to everyone who has served selflessly in this successful campaign!  We look forward to seeing you at Nalanda Centre this Sunday.

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13 October 2014

Final session of ‘Mettā Bhāvanā’

The Mettā Bhāvanā’ meditation course held at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur every Thursday has entered its 8th and final week.  Bro. Tan will be guiding the last session on 16 October.  This course provides a wonderful opportunity for Nalanda KL Branch members to understand and practise meditation for spiritual purification.

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20 September 2014

‘Mettā Bhāvanā’ continues at NEO Centre KL

Report by Thong Fee Shen  |  Photographs by Rudy Gan

On Thursday 4 September, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch welcomed its members to the second session of the 7-week ‘Mettā Bhāvanā’ meditation course.  During group sitting, participants were skilfully guided by Bro. Tan, who reiterated that Mettā meditation is one of the antidotes to the three ‘mental poisons’ of greed, hatred and delusion.  Eliminating these three poisons will end suffering and lead to liberation from misery.

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