Dhamma Teaching

12 December 2013

Inspiring ‘Mangala Sutta’ Course in Singapore

On Saturday 30 November, Bro. Tan was invited to Buddhist Fellowship Singapore to conduct a commentarial course on ‘Mangala Sutta’ (the famous “Discourse on Highest Blessings”).  150 participants from 6 countries, including 14 Nalandians from Serdang and Johor Bahru, took part in the day-long course. Read more

5 November 2013

Firefly Mission’s visit to Nalanda Centre

On Monday 4 November, 90 members of Firefly Mission Singapore led by its President Dr. Ng Yee Kong descended upon Nalanda Centre for a half-day visit.  Our Singaporean kinsmen were on the way home after participating in a Kathina Tour to Northern Malaysia.

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12 August 2013

Back from camp with joy and inspiration

"Truly inspiring!"  That was the most oft-repeated comment by many participants at the Dhamma-Living Camp. After 4 days of joyous communal living, the 120 participants returned from Genting Highlands with renewed source of energy and a heightened sense of urgency to 'live in accordance to Dhamma'.

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2 August 2013

Bhavana Day with Ayya Susila

Bhavana Day was concluded with an atmosphere of peace and joy on 28 July.  45 participants attended the 3-day meditation retreat held at Nalanda Centre.  The yogis were inspired by Ayya Susila’s simple yet profound Dhamma teachings, as well as her clear and meticulous meditation instructions.

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24 July 2013

Joyful Conclusion to 2013 Gimhana Retreat

The 7-week Nalanda Gimhana Period came to a joyful conclusion on 22 July – the Asalha Full-moon ‘Dhamma Day’. This year’s Gimhana Retreat began on 8 June also on an Uposatha Day. Throughout these weeks, there were Dhamma teachings on Sundays and meditation sessions on Wednesdays. Besides, devotees were encouraged to practise daily morning and evening chanting at home, meditate, perform wise reflections, and do good altruistically everyday!

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17 July 2013

Viewing through the lens of Dhamma

In Buddha’s teachings, ‘light’ is often used to symbolise wisdom. Viewed through the human eye, light is seen as a beam of bright translucence. In fact, the true nature of light is a combination of spectrums with different lengths of electro-magnetic waves. We are unable to see this without the help of various tools, which help us see things that have always been there, but just not visible to us before.

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29 June 2013

“A Good Practitioner & A Good Friend”

The following is a summary of Bro. Tan’s teaching on 26 June, the third group meditation in conjunction with the Gimhana Retreat held at Nalanda Centre.

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26 June 2013

Happiness & Daily Aspiration

‘Happiness’ is but a fleeting emotion that lasts for just a short time, before it is displaced by other feelings. ‘Unhappiness’ on the other hand, can last for days or even years, because it can transmute into many forms – be it disappointment, jealousy or anger. Unhappiness is not so much the opposite of happiness, rather it is the absence of happiness.

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24 June 2013

Four kinds of Vipers & Four kinds of Persons

It was the second group meditation of the Gimhana Retreat on Wednesday, 19 June.  Following the 45-minute quiet sitting, Bro. Tan quoted Sutta 4.110 from the Anguttara Nikaya on the four kinds of vipers (poisonous snakes), which are comparable to four kinds of persons:

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15 June 2013

Daily Cultivation of a Dhamma Practitioner

On Wednesday, 12 June, devotees once again filled the Shrine Hall at Nalanda Centre for the first group meditation of Gimhana Retreat.  Bro. Tan guided everyone in loving-kindness meditation, followed by a quiet sitting as we observed our breath mindfully.  Despite the day’s hustle and bustle, most meditators experienced a sense of peace after the 45 minute session.

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