Dhamma Teaching

10 June 2013

Why Did the Snake Cross the Road?

Everyone was all-ears as Bro. Tan shared the interesting and insightful story about the snake. As it was shedding its skin, this 12-feet long King Cobra snake was very distressed and undergoing a big change.  Half-blind, mad with discomfort, and in the heat of the high noon sun, it crossed the hot tar road not once or twice, but three times.  This was the sight that Bro. Tan came across one day on the road.

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7 June 2013

Learning Pāli Chanting at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

Bro. Tan made a special visit to NEO Centre Johor Bahru on 2 June to teach devotees there the proper way to conduct Pūja.  In his 3-hour sharing, Bro. Tan showed the way to pay respect, to recite the opening and closing gathas, to chant the homage, refuge-taking, five-precepts, and salutations in Pāli.  Devotees expressed amazement and great appreciation for the knowledge and understanding gained from the productive session.  Sadhu!

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6 June 2013

Nalanda’s Annual Gimhana Retreat

For seven weeks after the Buddha’s Enlightenment on Wesak full-moon in May, He contemplated on the Dhamma with His perfectly clear faculty of comprehension.  Then, He travelled for seven days from Bodhgaya to Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on the Asalha full-moon (Dhamma Day) in July.

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5 June 2013

Gimhana Retreat from 8 June to 22 July

Nalanda organizes 3 special retreats annually – the ‘Hemanta’ in January, ‘Gimhana’ in June-July, and ‘Vassana’ in October-November.  Each of these 3 retreats focuses on different aspects of personal, communal and spiritual growth.

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17 May 2013

First Service Sunday at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

The NEO Centre Johor Bahru had a wonderful beginning last Sunday with its first ‘Service Sunday’ held on 12 May.  More than 50 Nalanda officers and devotees attended the Service which started with meditation at 9am, followed by Pūja, Chanting, and Dhamma teaching by Bro Tan.

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2 March 2013

Sharing the insights of 10 contemporary Buddhist teachers

Counting down to Nalanda Buddhist Society's 10th Anniversary milestone on 1 May 2013, we are sharing with you the wisdom and insights of 10 contemporary Buddhist masters of our times!

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