Dhamma Teaching

20 April 2020

Mettā Sutta course begins today

This evening, we will begin the on-line learning of the Karanīya Mettā Sutta, one of the most popular discourses in the Pāli Canon.  Join us in studying the sutta in 5 lessons from 20th to 24th April, where we get to learn how to read the original Pāli-language verses, and what every word in the sutta means.

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17 April 2020

Learn the Mettā Sutta Online

The Karaniya Mettā Sutta is one of the most popular discourses of the Buddha.  Many Buddhists must have heard it recited in temples and at homes for blessings.  However the discourse also contains very deep and insightful teachings which can strengthen our Dhamma practice.

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9 January 2020

True happiness is the peaceful mind

On Friday 3 January, Nalandians were honoured to welcome Ajahn Kalyano back to Nalanda Centre for a Dhamma teaching.  Ajahn talked about how lay devotees can achieve a peaceful mind through integrating Dhamma into our daily lives.  The practice of Dhamma is to understand the truth.  When we pay attention to the present moment, we will find that we are not deluded, tricked or fooled by our own thoughts, wrong views and mistaken opinions.

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31 December 2019

Hosting Ajahn Viradhammo and Ajahn Pavaro

On Monday 30 December 2019, Nalanda Centre was honoured to receive Ajahn Viradhammo and Ajahn Pavaro to Nalanda Centre.  Arriving in Sri Serdang in the afternoon, Nalanda officers and members warmly and respectfully welcomed venerable sirs.  Deputy President Bro. Charlie hosted venerables for a tour of the Centre and K. Sri Dhammananda Centre which have both changed significantly since their last visit here.

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4 December 2019

Hosting Venerable Ajahn Karuniko

On Sunday 1 December, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Karuniko for a Dhamma talk.  Ajahn said that we should understand suffering and contemplate the cause of suffering.  This is neccessary although against the way of the world which is to continuously seek happiness and avoid unhappiness.

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30 November 2019

Dhamma Teaching by Venerable Ajahn Karuniko

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Ajahn Karuniko, former Abbot of Cittaviveka Chithurst Forest Monastery, U.K. for a Dhamma teaching this Sunday 1 December. We invite you to join the programme which starts at 9am with a meal offering to Ajahn.  The service continues with meditation, chanting and a Dhamma teaching.  You may bring cooked vegetarian food to offer.  All are welcome!

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20 November 2019

Meditation Retreat by Sayalay Dipankara

On Saturday 16 November, more than 120 meditators gathered at Nalanda Centre to attend the 1-day meditation retreat conducted by Venerable Sayalay Dipankara.  Sayalay started by advising us that when we train our minds to be wholesome, our thoughts, action and speech will be harmless to ourselves and others.

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17 October 2019

Spiritual cultivation at Eight-Precept Programme

On 13 October, the full-moon Uposatha Day of Assayuja month, over 120 participants devoted a day to Dhamma learning and contemplation in the Eight-Precept Programme at Nalanda Centre.  Led by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, the preceptees learned in greater detail the purpose and practice of this noble observance.

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5 October 2019

1st anniversary of K. Sri Dhammananda Centre

Tomorrow (6 October) marks the first anniversary of the launching of K. Sri Dhammananda Centre in Sri Serdang.  The past 12 months have seen the Centre fully utilised for Dhamma camps, meditation retreats, and currently, as the premise for the Adult Dhamma School every Sunday.

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19 September 2019

Joyful learning in historic Kedah

On 14 – 16 September, over 120 students from BPS403 Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies and Dhamma School for Adults embarked on a study tour to Bujang Valley, Kedah.  The entourage was led by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan to develop a better understanding of Kedah’s rich history through its archaeological and historical sites.

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