Dhamma Teaching

17 May 2019

Joyful programmes this ‘Buddha Day’

This weekend, Buddhists around the world will commemorate the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago, and mark the beginning of Buddhist Year (B.E.) 2563.  We invite you, your family and friends to join spiritual and learning programmes at Nalanda Centre, which includes Dhamma teachings, Sutta Study, and the highlight of our celebrations – the annual Heritage Procession and worshipping of Buddha Relic.

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14 May 2019

Sutta Study on Buddha Day

The Buddha’s teaching was passed down in the form of discourses and sermons (Sutta).  Before passing away, the Buddha reminded His disciples that, “the Dhamma and Vinaya I have set forth and laid down for you shall be your teacher after I am gone…”  Thus, He enshrined the Dhamma-Vinaya as the guiding principle in one’s conduct and practice towards liberation.

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11 May 2019

Programmes at Nalanda this weekend

In conjunction with ‘Buddha Day’ observance, we have arranged meaningful and spiritual programmes this weekend, from 11 – 12 May, leading up to the sacred day on 19 May.  We invite you, your family and friends to join us at Nalanda Centre to experience a meaningful weekend and deepen our calmness and joy as we prepare ourselves spiritually for observing ‘Buddha Day’.  The programmes available this weekend are :

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12 February 2019

Dhamma talk by Ajahn Jayasaro

On Thursday 13 December 2018, we were honoured to welcome revered teachers, Ajahn Jayasaro and Ajahn Vajiro back to Nalanda Centre. Nalandians were delighted to reminisce with both venerable teachers who have been supporting Nalanda’s education mission for many years.

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12 December 2018

Dhamma talk by Ajahn Kalyano

We are honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Kalyano for a Dhamma talk on Friday, 14 December at Nalanda Centre. Ajahn Kalyano was born in London. His deep interest in Buddhism brought him to Thailand after completing his studies at Bristol University. Ajahn Kalyano received ordination in the forest tradition of Ajahn Chah in 1985 and trained for many years under Ajahn Anan. In 2000, Ajahn Kalyano was invited to establish the forest tradition in Australia where he is now the Abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery in East Warburton, Victoria. All are welcome!

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11 December 2018

Dhamma talk by Ajahn Jayasaro

We are honoured to welcome Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro to Nalanda Centre on Thursday, 13 December for a Dhamma talk. Born in England, Ajahn Jayasaro became an ‘anagarika’ in 1978 under the guidance of Ajahn Sumedho. Later that year, he left for Wat Pah Pong in Northeast Thailand, where he was ordained a ‘bhikkhu’ with Ajahn Chah as his Preceptor. Ajahn Jayasaro was the Abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat from 1997 to 2002. He now resides in a hermitage at the foothill of Kao Yai mountains in Thailand. We welcome everyone to come and listen to an inspiring and honoured teacher.

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13 September 2018

Wholesome, joyous learning at DLCY

Over 130 youths had a wholesome and joyous 4 days at the 3rd Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults, held at Nalanda Centre from 8th to 11th September.  Bro. Tan skilfully taught the enthusiastic participants to better understand mental suffering, in order to overcome it.  The experience of ‘Dukkha’ is inevitable in mundane life; but there is a way to the cessation of ‘Dukkha’, and that is by following the Noble Path of Dhamma.

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18 July 2018

Dhamma-Living Camp for Youths

Today’s fast-paced urban lifestyles with their myriad distractions lead people to mental suffering, most commonly stress and dissatisfaction.  Many risk having debilitating mental illness without early, positive intervention.  The causes of mental suffering however, can actually be eradicated when we understand them better.

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10 June 2018

Annual Gimhāna Retreat begins

For seven weeks after the Buddha’s Enlightenment on Wesak full-moon in May, He contemplated on the Dhamma with His perfectly clear faculty of comprehension.  Then, He travelled for seven days from Uruvela to Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on Asalha Day, the full-moon in July.

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24 May 2018

Dhamma-learning workshops

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan will lead discussions on selected passages from the Pāli Tipitaka to widen and deepen our understanding of Buddha’s teachings.  The workshop will be held at Nalanda Centre on Tuesday, 29 May, from 3.00pm to 4.30pm.

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