Dhamma Teaching

15 December 2016

Great ‘Reunion Day’ for youths

Three months after the awesome Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults in Genting Highlands, Nalanda Youth Centre invited former participants back for a hearty reunion.  60 young campers, including some who travelled all the way from Kedah, returned for the reunion at Nalanda Centre on 8 October.  The purpose of this ‘Reunion Day’ was to reconnect with spiritual friends, and to rejoice in each other’s learning experiences since the camp.

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28 November 2016

Changing the ‘world’ with compassion

On Sunday 16 October, Nalanda Youth Centre was blessed to have Bro. Tan join our weekly Sunday Service.  Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma teaching on how we can bring about positive change in the world through the cultivation of compassion.

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10 November 2016

Meditation retreat for youths

Nalanda Youth Centre is organising a free one-day meditation retreat specially catered for young adults aged 16 to 29.  The camp will be conducted by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, an inspiring and respected Dhamma teacher.  125 youths have so far registered for the retreat; there are only 25 places left.  If you’re interested to participate, register on-line at PARTICIPATE NOW.

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8 November 2016

Who wins? Who loses?

While the world is gripped in suspense on the outcome of the fiercely-fought U.S. Presidential Elections, it is opportune for us to reflect on the timeless truth of the Buddha’s teaching:

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5 November 2016

One-day meditation for youths

Nalanda Youth Centre is organising a one-day meditation retreat on Saturday, 26 November, from 9am to 6pm.  It will be guided by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan.  This beginner-friendly retreat is specially catered for young adults between the ages of 16 and 29.

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21 October 2016

Journey to inner peace for youths

Nalanda Youth Centre is organising a one-day meditation retreat on Saturday, 26 November, from 9am to 6pm.  It will be guided by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, an inspiring teacher who gives clear instructions with insightful sharings.  This beginner-friendly retreat is specially catered for young adults between the ages of 16 and 29.

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15 October 2016

Was the Buddha a ‘perfectionist’?

The Buddha was distinguished as ‘the Perfect One’ – He had perfect knowledge of the world and faultless conduct. “By definition, a ‘perfectionist’ is someone who likes to accomplish something perfectly, and finds it difficult to accept anything less than flawless.  No, the Buddha was not a ‘perfectionist’.  He did not have any illusions about perfection.  He truly understood the world and was very clear about imperfections in life.

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4 October 2016

Marvellous reunion awaiting campers

Today marks three months since our terrific Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults in Genting Highlands.  At the camp, we learned to discover our human potentials in life.  So what have we done during this period to live up to our true potential? What were the challenges faced?  And how did we overcome them?

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29 September 2016

Tribute to two eminent teachers

Today is the third anniversary of the passing of eminent Pāli Scholar, Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha Nayaka Thero, and renowned meditation teacher, Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka.  Nalandians held a simple tribute to both teachers last night after our weekly meditation session.

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28 September 2016

‘Dhamma Day’ at Mangala Lodge

In August, Bro. Tan was invited to participate in ‘Dhamma Day’ observance at Mangala Lodge in Kampar, Perak.  Bro. Tan gave two Dhamma talks to the modest group of lecturers and students from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) who are mostly beginners to Buddhism.

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