
Pertaining to missionaries and visiting Dhamma teachers to Nalanda or Malaysia.

8 June 2017

Hosting a monk of compassion

Nalanda Centre recently hosted the renowned social-reformer and inspiring teacher – Venerable Sanghasena Mahathera – on his trip to Malaysia.  Ven. Sanghasena, who is the Founder and President of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh, arrived from India for a 3-day visit from 18th to 20th April.

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28 March 2017

Gratitude and appreciation

Nalanda Centre recently hosted the Most Venerable T. Seelananda Mahathera on his Dhammaduta tour of Malaysia from 19 to 25 March.  During his stay, Ven. Seelananda gave teachings at Nalanda Centre, NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur, the Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF) Centre, and Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (BUBS).

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21 March 2017

Dhamma talks by Ven. T. Seelananda

The Klang Valley Buddhist community warmly welcome Venerable T. Seelananda Mahathera to Malaysia on his Dhammaduta tour from 21 – 24 March 2017.

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17 March 2017

Dhamma talk by Ven. Seelananda

This Sunday, we invite you to participate in our Sunday Morning Service at Nalanda Centre with meditation, offerings, and Pāli chanting, followed by another Dhamma talk by Ven. T. Seelananda Mahathera.

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10 March 2017

Welcome to Malaysia, bhante

Nalanda Centre warmly welcomes Venerable T. Seelananda Mahathera on his Dhammaduta tour of Malaysia from 11 – 25 March 2017.  Ven. Seelananda is the Deputy Abbot of Bhāvanā Society in West Virginia, USA.  He regularly conducts meditation retreats and Dhamma studies throughout North America and Europe.

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3 March 2017

Dhamma teachings in early March

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host three venerable monks for Dhamma teachings this week – Ajahn Buddharakkhita from Ireland, Ven T. Seelananda Maha Thera from the U.S.A., and Ajahn Tiradhammo from Canada.

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3 January 2017

Offering dāna to Ayya Santinī

On 19 October 2016, Nalanda Centre was honoured to welcome Venerable Ayya Santinī, the Abbess of Vihāra Sanghamittā  from Indonesia, for a three-day visit.  During Ayya’s short stay, devotees had the opportunity to offer her breakfast and lunch dāna.

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22 December 2016

Teaching on meditation by Ayya Santinī

Report by Chan Jia Xin

In October 2016, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host a visit by Venerable Ayya Santinī, a senior Theravada bhikkhuni from Indonesia.  Nalandians grabbed the opportunity to invite Ayya Santinī for a Dhamma talk after our weekly Wednesday meditation session.

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6 August 2016

Teaching by Sayadaw Nyanapurnik

On Wednesday 22 June, Nalanda Centre was very honoured to host senior Nepalese prelate Sayadaw Nyanapurnik Nāyaka Thera to deliver a Dhamma talk. Sayadaw Nyanapurnik is also a Pāli scholar and Vipassana teacher who has been actively developing Theravada Buddhism in Nepal over four decades. Sayadawgyi was accompanied to Nalanda Centre by Malaysian bhikkhu Venerable Gavesi and two Nepali sayalays.

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17 January 2016

Honouring an illustrious missionary monk

Dozens of devotees came to offer lunch dāna at Nalanda Centre on 15 January in honour of Ven. Sri Pandita Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Thero on the 61st anniversary of him becoming a ‘Dhammaduta’ (missionary monk).  In 1955, then 28 year-old Ven. Gunaratana left Sri Lanka on his first posting to serve the Buddhist community among the ‘untouchables’ in India.

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