
22 April 2020

Please make everyday ‘Earth Day’

Today, we observe the 50th anniversary of ‘Earth Day Celebration’ in a subdued mood due to the ravaging Coronavirus pandemic.  The world is sick; millions of people are under quarantine, and billions more are confined to their dwellings.  So instead of going outdoors to plant trees, we are left to do what we can for Mother Earth from our homes.

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3 March 2020

Don’t cut down trees, plant them instead

Around the world, people and animals are feeling the heat of global warming, and suffering from the effects of large-scale environmental destruction and degradation.  Worldwide, a staggering 29,000 trees are cut down every minute!  That’s 1.7 million trees in an hour, or 41 million trees destroyed in just a single day!

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25 July 2019

‘Go Green’ at Family Fun Fair

We invite you to join the ‘Go Green’ initiative at Nalanda Family Fun Fair by bringing along your own food & drink containers, cutlery, and shopping bags to use this Sunday.  This simple gesture will considerably reduce the disposal of single-use tableware & plastic bags, which take decades to decompose.

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13 April 2019

Nalanda celebrates ‘Earth Day’

On 13 April 2019, Nalanda Buddhist Society will be celebrating ‘Earth Day’ by planting more trees at Wisdom Park.  Nicknamed the “Green Warriors of Wisdom Park”, groups of volunteers have been planting local forest trees there almost every weekend since 12 months ago.  As of 31 March 2019, 402 trees and hundreds of shrubs have been planted, making the campus grounds truly pleasant as well as rehabilitating its environmental vitality.

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2 April 2019

Plant trees to celebrate ‘Earth Day’

On 13 April 2019, Nalanda Buddhist Society will be celebrating ‘Earth Day’ by planting more trees at Wisdom Park.  Nicknamed the “Green Warriors of Wisdom Park”, groups of volunteers have been planting local forest trees there almost every weekend since 12 months ago.  As of 31 March 2019, 402 trees and hundreds of shrubs have been planted, making the campus grounds truly pleasant as well as rehabilitating its environmental vitality.

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5 January 2019

Nalanda Free School students visit UPM on ‘World Soil Day’

In conjunction with ‘World Soil Day’ on 5 December 2018, Nalanda Free School (NFS) organised a visit to the Department of Land Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).  Students, teachers and parents alike gained a better understanding and appreciation for this natural resource.

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17 December 2018

Greening the world with trees

In November 2018, the Wisdom Park Development Committee created the ‘Subcommittee on Ecology, Horticulture & Landscaping’.  Nicknamed the “Green Warriors of Wisdom Park”, the group is tasked with greening the 39-acre campus and rehabilitating its environmental vitality.  Efforts to reforest the campus with native flora started in April 2018.  As of 17 December, 140 trees and 430 shrubs have been planted by volunteers on its spacious grounds.

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5 December 2018

3 million trees planted by IKEA in Sabah

Swedish furniture retailer IKEA has completed a 20-year reforestation project in Luasong near Tawau, Eastern Sabah.  The ambitious but little-known project to plant 3 million rainforest trees began in 1998, which aimed at restoring the natural ecology to a former logged and largely degraded area.

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4 December 2018

Greatest threat to the world

Scientists estimate that the world population has a 12-year window to reverse the course of global destruction due to climate change.Eminent climatologists, scientists, researchers and activists are telling world leaders gathered in Katowice, Poland right now that the world is facing its ‘greatest threat in thousands of years’.   The effects of accelerated human activities and consumption are heating up the world through higher emissions of Carbon Dioxide – causing what is commonly known as “global warming”.

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3 November 2018

Plant a tree at Wisdom Park

Wisdom Park promotes the principle of harmony with nature and aims to replenish its grounds where lush tropical forests had once stood.  Efforts to rehabilitate the campus with native flora started in April 2018.  To date, 108 trees and 400 shrubs have been planted by volunteers in its spacious grounds.

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