External Events

About events not organised by Nalanda.

14 May 2019

United Nations ‘Day of Vesak’

The United Nations (UN) Day of Vesak kicked off this week in Vietnam with the participation of 1,650 international delegates from over 100 countries.  The opening ceremony in Ha Nam province also brought together 20,000 Vietnamese Buddhist dignitaries, monks, nuns and followers.

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13 June 2018

Forum on the Four-fold Assembly

The Buddha referred to his disciples as the “Four-fold Assembly” – the gatherings of ‘bhikkhū’ (monks), ‘bhikkhunī’ (nuns), ‘upasakā’ (laymen), and ‘upasikā’ (laywomen).  In the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, the Buddha famously said that He would not pass away until the “Four-fold Assembly” is well-established in the learning and practice of Dhamma, and proficient in propagating His Sublime Teachings.

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10 November 2017

Donation drive to assist flood victims

Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) and Malaysian Buddhist Association (MBA) are jointly coordinating a flood relief campaign to collect donations to assist victims of the ongoing flooding in Penang and Kedah.  The flood is the most serious to have hit the northern states in decades.

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20 October 2017

Launching of new Mettārama Centre

Nalanda representatives will be traveling to Kota Bharu this Friday, 20 October to celebrate the opening ceremony of the new Mettārama Meditation Centre.  Ten members – five from Serdang and the rest from Kedah – will join devotees in Kelantan to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

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14 October 2017

Forum on development of Malaysian Buddhism

The Malaysia Buddhist Kulapati Association (MBKA), a federation of local Buddhist societies, is organising a forum in Seremban on 15 October to review the historical development of Buddhism in Malaysia, and to discuss its future progress.  The gathering is held to celebrate the 60th year of our nation’s independence.

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24 July 2017

International Buddhist Research Seminar

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan was recently invited to participate in the 8th International Buddhist Research Seminar organised by Mahachulalongkorn University, and hosted at the Buddhadasa Indapañño Archives in Bangkok.  The seminar was held in honour of the 111th birth anniversary of the late Bhikkhu Buddhadasa.

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5 July 2017

State-level Wesak celebration

On Saturday 20 May, a team of Nalandians attended the Selangor State-level Wesak celebration organised by the State government and supported by the Selangor Buddhist Development Council (SBDC). The celebration saw a wonderful gathering of Selangor Buddhist community leaders and activists.  The event served to showcase traditional and contemporary Buddhist cultural performances from Malaysia and neighbouring countries.

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29 May 2017

Lecture on Pāli language and literature

On Friday 14 April, Bro. Tan was invited to present a special lecture on Pāli language by Persatuan Buddhist Universiti Malaya’s (PBUM) Miao Xi Dhamma Speaker Training Workshop.  The talk held at the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) Headquarters was well-attended by young Dhamma-speaker trainees and Nalandians.

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26 May 2017

PBUM Buddhist history camp

From 7 to 9 April, Persatuan Buddhist Universiti Malaya (PBUM) held a camp at Nalanda Centre on the history of Buddhism.  30 students gathered for three wholesome days to learn from Venerable Ji Chi the development of Buddhism throughout the past 2,500 years – from its emergence in ancient India to how it evolved into three main traditions of Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana, today.

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11 May 2017

Selangor state Wesak celebration

This year, Selangor will again host a state-level Wesak celebration at the Section 14 Theatre, Shah Alam, on Saturday, 20 May.  The celebration is organised by the State government and supported by Selangor Buddhist Development Council.  It will showcase traditional and contemporary Buddhist cultural performances from Malaysia and neighbouring countries.

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