Pertaining to Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators.
On Friday 13 June, a group of 7 teachers and 23 primary school students from Nalanda Free School (NFS) visited the Lady Bird Organic Farm in Semenyih. The aim of this trip was to provide students with an enriching outdoor learning experience and to strengthen the fellowship between teachers and students. The students were especially selected for the trip as a reward for their perfect attendance at Nalanda Free School since January!
Read moreAt 7.30 pm this evening, Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) facilitators and students gathered at Nalanda Centre for Pūja before departing by bus to Kelantan. They are on a “Dhammaduta Mission” there to help organize a Dhamma School Teachers’ Workshop, as well as a Teenagers’ Learning Camp.
Read moreA teacher is often compared to a candle that consumes itself to light the path for others. On Sunday 18 May, the candles that keep Nalanda Dharma School perpetually bright received a pleasant surprise!
Read moreKey officers gathered at Nalanda Centre for a meeting tonight took the opportunity to celebrate Teacher’s Day together with Bro. Tan, Sis. Sunanda, Sis. Nandini, and other teachers present. President Bro. Lee Kong Foo thanked all teachers at Nalanda for their selfless service and sacrifice in educating our students. Bro. Tan then led a prayer for the well-being of teachers around the world.
Read moreOn Saturday 12 April, Nalanda Dharma School Facilitators explored the ‘Mangala Sutta’ – the discourse on 38 supreme blessings expounded by the Buddha. “To live at a suitable place; to cherish wife and children, to have a peaceful occupation, and to abstain from unwholesome states” are but a few blessings listed in this enlightening discourse.
Read moreOn Sunday 9 February, Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) organised a traditional “Tea Ceremony” at Nalanda Centre in conjunction with the Lunar New Year. The purpose for the ceremony was for children to express gratitude towards their parents. It was indeed heart-warming to see children bowing reverentially to their parents and hugging them, showing much gratitude and appreciation for their parents’ love, care and sacrifice.
Read moreOn 19 January, Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) organized the first School trip in 2014 to Putrajaya Wetland with the aims to strengthen the bonding among students, parents and facilitators, and impart good values to students through outdoor activities.
Read moreOn New Year’s Eve, all members of Nalanda Dharma School came together for the School reunion of the year. This was the day where all members reflect and rejoice over the School’s achievements. It was also to celebrate the contributions and progress made by students throughout the year.
Read moreA team of 13 Nalandians, led by Sis. Sunanda Ong the Director of Nalanda Dharma School (NDS), had a fruitful Dhammaduta tour to Kelantan over the Christmas holidays. The tour programme included a “Teenagers’ Learning Camp” and a “Dhamma School Teachers’ Workshop”, both jointly organized by NDS and Persatuan Buddhis Wakaf Bharu.
Read moreA team of 12 Nalandians led by Dharma School Director Sis. Sunanda Ong left Nalanda Centre at 8.00pm this evening for an overnight train ride to Kelantan. The Nalanda team comprising 3 teachers and 9 all-boys student group will stay in Bachok, Kelantan for 5 days to conduct a Dhamma camp for local teenagers. In the meantime, Sis. Sunanda will also conduct a separate training session for Kelantanese Dhamma School volunteer-teachers.
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