
4 May 2019

Felicitations to Thai nation & people

Nalanda Buddhist Society members offer our felicitations to the people of Thailand on the Coronation of His Majesty Rama X, King Maha Vajiralongkorn, on 4 May 2019. May His Majesty’s reign bring peace, happiness and success to the Thai nation; and may the close friendship between our two countries long endure.

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7 December 2018

Happy 91st Birthday ‘Bhante G’

Nalanda members would like to extend our best wishes and warmest felicitations to Venerable Dr. Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Thero on his 91st birthday today!  Popularly known as ‘Bhante G’, Ven. Gunaratana is a renowned meditation teacher and author of several influential works, such as the best-selling ‘Mindfulness in Plain English’.

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6 April 2018

Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda felicitation

Do you have any photographs of the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda?  If you do, the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centenary Celebrations Committee’ would like to have a digital copy of them!  The ‘Celebrations Committee’ comprises representatives from various Buddhist organizations in Malaysia.  As part of the special commemoration this year, we intend to publish a book to highlight the life-time achievements of the late Ven. Dhammananda (1918–2006).

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14 March 2018

Launching of ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centenary Celebrations’

18 March 2018 marks the birth centenary of the Most Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero (1918 – 2006), the late Sanghanāyaka Thera of Malaysia, and Nalanda’s Spiritual Adviser.

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7 March 2018

Celebrating Women’s Day

In 1975, the United Nations adopted 8 March annually as the day to highlight the plight of women worldwide.  In many countries and cultures, women had been discriminated against in employment, social benefits, political processes, and even in religion.  The situation gradually improved with awareness coupled with changing attitudes, and by providing equal opportunities in education for women.

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6 March 2018

Rejoicing at Nalanda tonight

After days of intensive Dhamma-learning sessions, leadership workshops, discussions and meditation, the inaugural batch of two bhikkhus and 17 Buddhist Youth leaders from India will be ending their training programme in Malaysia tomorrow morning.

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5 March 2018

Theravāda Bhikkhu Training Centre to be built in India

India, the land of the Buddha, has not had a proper Buddhist monks’ training centre for locals in modern times.  Observing the critical need of having one, Upasaka Dr. Harshadeep Kamble, a senior government officer from Mumbai, his wife Mrs. Rojana Vanich Kamble, galvanised the All India Bhikkhu Sangha to construct such a facility in the vicinity of Aurangabad in Maharashtra State, Western India.

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9 February 2018

Let the games begin!

The 2018 Pyeongchang (平昌)Winter Olympics had just gotten underway in South Korea this evening.  The spirit of modern Olympics has always been the celebration of fraternity and friendship across race, religion, and nationality.  Let this be our common goal and principle throughout these games.

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21 January 2018

Felicitations to Sultan of Kedah

Today marks the official 76th birthday celebration of His Royal Highness Sultan Sallehuddin ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah.  Together with all citizens of Kedah state, we wish Tuanku the best of health and a successful reign.

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7 December 2017

Happy 90th birthday, ‘Bhante G’

Malaysian devotees and Nalandians would like to extend our warmest greetings to Venerable Sri Pandita Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Māha Thero and wish him the best of health and fulfillment on his 90th birthday, today!

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