Fund Raising

23 July 2019

5 days to Family Fun Fair

The countdown has begun – Nalanda Family Fun Fair is just 5 days away!  Proceeds from this much anticipated Fun Fair will support the construction of Wisdom Park, an educational facility to train competent Dhamma teachers and leaders, and to expand the operations of Nalanda Institute, Dhamma School, and Free School.

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16 July 2019

Joyful preparations for Family Fun Fair

Nalanda Dhamma School students have been revving up their creativity and collaboration to prepare for the Family Fun Fair.  This year’s Fun Fair, which will be held on Sunday, 28 July from 9am to 4pm, aims to raise funds for the construction of ‘Wisdom Park’ – an educational facility to train competent Dhamma teachers and leaders, and to expand the operations of Nalanda Institute, Dhamma School and Free School.

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6 July 2019

Get involved and be inspired

Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ brings the entire community together every year, to support the singular mission of holistic education.  This year’s fair is on 28 July and funds raised will be used for the construction of ‘Wisdom Park’ – an educational facility to train competent Dhamma teachers and leaders, and to expand the operations of Nalanda Institute, Dhamma School and Free School.

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22 June 2019

Coming together for Family Fun Fair

Over the past few weeks, Nalandians have been gearing up for the Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ (FFF) which will be held on 28 July this year.  Funds raised will be used to support the construction of ‘Wisdom Park’ – a well-equipped campus to train integral and competent teachers and leaders, and to expand the operations of Nalanda Dhamma School and Free School.

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11 June 2019

Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2019

Nalanda’s popular annual Family Fun Fair in Sri Serdang returns on Sunday, 28 July 2019!  Join this uplifting community fund-raising event to support the construction of ‘Wisdom Park’ – a well-equipped campus to train future teachers and leaders who are integral and competent, and to expand the operations of Nalanda Dhamma School and Free School to provide opportunities for more children and teenagers to attend Dhamma classes and free tuition.

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27 February 2019

Let’s build Wisdom Park together

The construction of Guest Lodge 01 at Wisdom Park is nearing completion, and it shall receive its first guests in a few weeks once the furnitures are installed.  This lodge measures 13,513 square feet, comprising a multi-purpose hall for 200 people and 6 bedrooms/dormitories with self-contained facilities. 

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21 September 2018

Guest Lodge 59% completed

Construction of the first building at Wisdom Park – ‘Guest Lodge 01’ – is progressing on schedule with 59% of the work completed as of 15 September 2018.  The building will incorporate a Dhamma Teaching Hall, accommodation, and ample space for indoor and outdoor educational activities. The 13,500 square feet facility is expected to be ready by year end.

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17 September 2018

Day of giving and selfless service

The popular Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ in Johor Bahru was successfully held last Sunday, 16 September.  A total of 81 stalls offered a variety of home-cooked delicacies, beverages, and household items to the delight of more than 3,000 shoppers and visitors.

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12 September 2018

‘Family Fun Fair’ in Johor Bahru

Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch is organising the 3rd ‘Family Fun Fair’ at NEO Centre Taman Johor Jaya on Sunday, 16 September.  Let’s come together to celebrate ‘Malaysia Day’ by supporting a worthy cause – to raise funds for the operations of Nalanda Free School and Dhamma School in J.B.

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6 August 2018

Well done – thank you everyone!

Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2018 concluded successfully on Sunday afternoon with amazing support from sponsors, stall operators, donors, volunteers, neighbours, and members of the public.  Devotees and volunteers came from throughout Malaysia and even Singapore to support this wonderful event.

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