Fund Raising

15 August 2016

‘Family Fun Fair’ in Johor Bahru

Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ (FFF) will be held for the second time in Johor Bahru on Sunday, 11 September.  It is held in aid of our ‘Education & Development Fund’.  Proceeds from the event will be channeled to support educational programmes of Nalanda Free School, Dhamma School and Library.

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1 August 2016

A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone

Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ 2016 concluded joyfully on Sunday with thousands of people having a fun day out with family and friends, while supporting holistic education for the community.

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31 July 2016

Thank you for a fabulous ‘Fun Fair’

The Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ 2016 was successfully held today in perfect weather.  The breezy day brought out sunny smiles on the faces of many stall operators and visitors to the Fair.  Supporters were already streaming in even before its official opening at 9.00am; and in just two hours, the number of visitors had surpassed 4,000 people.  Stalls were enjoying brisk sales, which kept everyone busy but happy.

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31 July 2016

Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ opens

At 9.00am, to the recitation of “Vandana” and Five Precepts, the popular and much-awaited ‘Family Fun Fair’ officially opened at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Nalandians and supporters have been arriving since 5.30am this morning, some even coming directly from distant Ipoh and Malacca!

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30 July 2016

It’s more than just a fund-raiser

Today and tomorrow, we anticipate literally bus-loads of supporters descending upon Nalanda Centre to take part in Sunday’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ – the one and only fund-raising event organized by Nalanda this year.  This afternoon, the first wave of Kelantanese devotees arrived to help out with preparations, to be followed by many more coming in buses and cars.  But why travel 450km one way just to take part in a ‘Fun Fair’?

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29 July 2016

Come to Nalanda “Family Fun Fair”

This weekend, Nalanda will be hosting the biggest public event in Sri Serdang, and our only fund-raising event of the year – the much-loved ‘Family Fun Fair’! This event aims to raise funds for the construction of “K. Sri Dhammananda Centre” – a new educational facility to accommodate more students at Nalanda Dhamma School. Funds are also needed to finance free programmes run by Nalanda Institute, Dhamma School, Youth Centre, and Free School throughout the year.

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25 July 2016

We’re almost there, folks

It’s just a few days left to the much-anticipated annual “Family Fun Fair” on Sunday, 31 July. Nalanda Centre has been a hive of activity the whole month as members and volunteers came in batches to help out whenever they can. To date, overall preparations are 86% completed. Certain sections have accomplished even more – with the road-show team having achieved 95%, publicity team 93%, and stall allocation team 99%.

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24 July 2016

Nalandians ready for ‘Family Fun Fair’

After weeks of preparations, Nalandians are now ready to host the annual “Family Fun Fair” next Sunday – on 31 July.  Well, ‘almost’ ready!  There are certainly finer details to be looked into, but by and large, the Fun Fair organizing team and volunteers have done a remarkable job in completing 80% of preparatory work.  Sadhu anumodana!

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20 July 2016

Lively prelude to Family Fun Fair

Over the past two weekends, a Family Fun Fair ‘Pre-sales’ campaign was being held at Nalanda House (opposite Nalanda Centre) in Sri Serdang, offering food, beverages, household items and children’s wear for sale.  Among the most popular items on pre-sale were Chinese herbal products, tea sets, and delicious almond cookies sponsored by a well-known local confectioner.

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2 July 2016

Family Fun Fair is back!

Sunday, 31 July | 9 am – 4 pm | Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang

The much-anticipated ‘NALANDA FAMILY FUN FAIR’ is back this year on 31 July!  This year’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ will feature over 160 stalls offering a wide range of food, beverages, household items, handicrafts, and merchandise.  There will also be cultural shows and performances by youths and students.  In short, it is going to be a wonderful outing for families and friends while supporting a noble cause!

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