Gardening Day

19 April 2015

Joyful Gardening to welcome Wesak

As Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ approaches, Nalandian ‘gardeners’ joyfully laboured to spruce up the neighbourhood to welcome thousands of devotees come 1st to 3rd May.  Every weekend, adults and youngsters would descend upon the garden with their tools to clean and green the surroundings and plant new flowering shrubs.

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5 February 2015

Gardening Day at Nalanda House

On Saturday 31 January, Nalandians and devotees returned to spruce up the greenery around Nalanda House and the planters’ boxes in light of the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year.  They started in the morning at 8am and worked tirelessly right up till evening.  It was indeed inspiring to see this “army of gardeners” offering their selfless services for the better of the environment. Sadhu!

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24 September 2014

Building a Planter Box at Nalanda House

On 16 September “Malaysia Day”, Nalandians took advantage of the public holiday to have another round of cleaning and gardening at Nalanda House.  Their most impressive effort was in building a planter box in front of Nalanda House, using bricks recycled from the ongoing Nalanda Building Expansion Project.  The three-tiered planter box is 12 feet long by 5 feet wide, with nine compartments for different types of plants.  It was a brainchild of Nalanda’s ‘gardener-in-chief’, Bro. Vincent Lee.

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18 September 2014

A Wonderful Community Gardening Day

On Sunday 14 September, devotees gathered in strength at Nalanda Centre for our annual ‘Community Gardening Day’.  Every year close to ‘Malaysia Day’, Nalandians and the surrounding community would work together to clean and green the Sri Serdang neighbourhood. This is one of our efforts to commemorate the country’s founding day – by taking care of cleanliness in our vicinity, and to plant suitable local trees and shrubs to create a better environment for everyone.

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13 September 2014

Community gardening day

Sunday, 14 September is Nalanda’s annual ‘Community Gardening Day’!  Every year close to ‘Malaysia Day’, Nalandians and the surrounding community will gather in Sri Serdang to clean and green the neighbourhood.  This is one of our efforts to commemorate the country’s founding day, by taking care of cleanliness in our vicinity, and to plant suitable local trees and shrubs to create a better environment for everyone.

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18 August 2014

‘Garuda Gardeners’ spruce up Nalanda House

Over the past few weekends, many Nalanda Dharma School students stayed over at Nalanda Centre to assist in the upcoming ‘FAMILY FUN FAIR’ preparations.  Our cheerful students also helped to tidy up the Centre to welcome thousands of visitors anticipated during the Fun Fair.  Last weekend, it was Garuda House members’ turn to stay over.  Besides performing many other chores, the students spruced up the garden at Nalanda House and returned it to its lovely pristine state.  Thank you and anumodana, “Garuda Gardeners”!

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11 September 2012

Annual Gardening Day

Since Nalanda started this Community Initiative to green our environment in 2009, we have slowly transformed our surroundings by building the Taman Sari Nandanavana, planting trees and flowery plants to beautify the compounds outside Nalanda Centre and Nalanda House. This annual outdoor project is part of our greening effort to ‘practise’ our love and care to the environment that we live in.  This is also in line with the physical well-being awareness that we are cultivating.

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19 May 2012

Gardening Day

With Wesak fast approaching, we came together on the first day of April to spruce up and beautify our Nandanavana (the Garden of Joyful Delight). There were smiling faces and the positive energy was high as the team worked together in tune with nature.

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15 March 2012

Gardening Day

Their faces say it all – the gratifying beatitude that comes naturally with their responsibilities as leaders of Nalanda’s three main divisions: (Uncle) Vijaya (middle) who helms Nalanda Institute; Sis. Sunanda, the Director of Nalanda Dharma School; and Bro. Ananda Fong (left) who heads Pustaka Nalanda. These three “pillars” of Nalanda gathered for a ceremonial planting at Nalanda Centre on a bright and sunny day. The next Gardening Day is scheduled on Sunday, 1 April, to spruce up Nalanda's surrounding in welcoming Wesak Day.

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