
Pertaining to the annual Nalandian Gimhana Retreat. Any report, news or notice concerning this programme should be tagged.

5 July 2024

‘Rice of Merits’ collection during Gimhāna Retreat

During the annual Gimhāna Period, Nalanda members and devotees uphold a tradition to dedicate themselves to cultivating the 5 Daily Practices.  The 5 Daily Practices are (1) Morning chanting & making noble aspirations, (2)  Meditation, (3)  Listening to a Dhamma talk / reading a Dhamma book (4)  Performing an act of generosity and kindness (5)  Evening chanting & reflection.

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29 June 2024

Register for Cultivation Day with Ajahn Narindo

On Saturday 6 July, the coming Uposatha new-moon day, we invite you to join us for a day of learning and meditation at Nalanda Centre.  Held in conjunction with the Gimhāna Retreat, this Cultivation Day will be guided by Ven. Ajahn Narindo, a monk of Chinese-Malaysian descent who was ordained in 2012 by Luang Por Amaro at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.

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16 June 2024

Full-moon Uposatha service & Dhamma talk

On the coming Full-moon Day of ‘Jeṭṭha’ month this Thursday 20 June, we invite Buddhist practitioners to spend this day wisely reflecting on the Dhamma, performing meritorious deeds, and deepening our practice by observing the Eight Precepts. 

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7 June 2024

Starting Gimhana Retreat together on Uposatha Day

Yesterday evening, on Thursday 6 June, devotees joined the first Gimhana Uposatha Service at Nalanda Centre, in the company of good spiritual friends on the new-moon day of the Jettha month.  In the serenity of Nalanda Centre, we calmed our minds with evening chanting, meditation and refreshed our understanding of the Gimhana Retreat with Sis. Nandinī Tan. 

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6 June 2024

New-moon Uposatha service & Dhamma talk

Today is the New-moon Day for the month of ‘Jeṭṭha’ according to the Buddhist Calendar.  On observance days such as these, we invite all Buddhist practitioners to spend this day wisely reflecting on the Dhamma, performing meritorious deeds, and deepening our practice by observing the Eight Precepts. 

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2 June 2024

Annual Gimhana Retreat B.E. 2568

The Gimhana Retreat spans 6 June to 21 July this year and during this period, we endeavour to commit ourselves to a period of relatively intensive Dhamma learning programme and group-practice.  We welcome everyone to come and understand the Dhamma through guided, progressive, communal, and personal practice. The first Gimhana Uposatha Service is this coming Thursday 6 June, at 8pm.  On this new-moon day, let us gather for meditation, chanting and to learn the Buddha’s teachings. 

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19 May 2023

Gimhāna Retreat B.E. 2567 starts today

For seven weeks after the Buddha’s Enlightenment on Wesak full-moon in May, He contemplated on the Dhamma with His perfectly clear faculty of comprehension.  Then, He travelled for seven days from Bodhgaya to Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on the Asalha full-moon (Dhamma Day) in July.

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17 May 2023

New-moon Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Rāhula

We invite you to join us this Friday 19 May for the Jeṭṭha New-moon Uposatha Service, which will mark the start of Nalanda’s ‘Gimhana Retreat’.   The service commences at 8pm with evening chanting and a Dhamma talk by Venerable Rāhula, a monk of Mexican descent who ordained in 2015.  Ven. Rāhula has learned and practiced with respected teachers including Ven. Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Ven. Sayadaw Dr. Ukkamsacara and his preceptor Ven. Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa.

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12 July 2022

Gimhāna sharing – Harmony at our workplace

On Sunday 26 June, Nalandians gathered for ‘Samaggi Day’, which falls on the last Sunday of every month.  Members and devotees were joined by Nalanda youths and Dhamma School students for the morning meditation, offerings and chanting. Sis. Buddhini Tan, President of the Society, encouraged us to pay more attention to our daily practice, so that we can stop unwholesome practices from repeating, and develop habits which are conducive to spiritual development.

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28 June 2022

Gimhāna sharing – Family harmony is a supreme blessing

On Sunday 19 June, Sis. Buddhinī Tan gave a Dhamma sharing on ‘Living in harmony with family’.   She explained the importance of the Four Bonds of Fellowship (Sangaha Sutta AN 4.32) in enhancing the interconnectedness of those living together and cultivating harmony within our families.  When applied with right understanding, we become more caring, relate well and are more useful to one another, leading to everyone dwelling in happiness and unity.

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