
Pertaining to the annual Nalandian Gimhana Retreat. Any report, news or notice concerning this programme should be tagged.

15 June 2022

Gimhāna sharing – Harmony gives rise to happiness

On Sunday 5 June, Bro. Tan Siang Chye delivered a Dhamma sharing on this year’s ‘Gimhāna Period’ theme – ‘Living in Harmony’.  He shared that when we have harmony within, we are free from internal conflict and are confident in our life purpose.  This in itself leads to us having a peaceful and happy nature which positively impacts those around us.

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8 June 2022

1st Gimhāna Service – Develop urgency to practise

On Sunday 29 May, Nalanda members and volunteers entered into the Gimhāna Period as they gathered for its first Sunday Morning Service.  After the morning meditation, offerings and chanting, an appreciation session for Buddha Day volunteers was held, where everyone rejoiced in the selfless efforts of all who contributed to the joyous celebrations held the week before.  Thereafter, Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy delivered a talk on the purpose of this 7-week Gimhāna ‘retreat’, that of reflecting on Dhamma and strengthening our spiritual practice which develops into wholesome life-long habits.

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2 June 2022

Gimhāna Period Begins

Nalanda observes the ‘Gimhāna Period’ annually by committing to a period of relatively intensive Dhamma learning and practice.  This year’s retreat carry the theme “Living in Harmony”. Join us in observing this spiritual period together as a community.

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24 May 2022

Dhamma talk by Sis. Sandy Lim

We joyfully invite you to join us for a Dhamma talk by Sis. Sandy Lim after the morning meditation, offerings and chanting.  All are welcome.

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24 May 2022

Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan Siang Chye

Join us for a Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan Siang Chye, on how we can attain and maintain harmony within ourselves, as we strengthen our spiritual practice this Gimhāna.  The talk will start after the morning service which starts at 9 am with meditation, offerings and chanting.  May you be well and happy.

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24 May 2022

Gimhāna Sunday Morning Service

This Sunday marks the beginning of the annual Nalanda Gimhāna Retreat.  We warmly invite you to join us for the Morning Service hosted at Nalanda Centre.  The service starts at 9 am with meditation, offerings and chanting.  May you be safe and well.

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17 May 2022

Gimhāna Sunday Morning Service

During this Gimhāna Period, join us for the Sunday Morning Service which starts at 9 am.  The service will commence with meditation, offerings and chanting.  All are welcome.

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26 September 2021

Subdue the distracted mind

Being mindful and staying in the present moment is a cornerstone of Buddhist practice. Yet, we frequently find our thoughts wandering off due to external stimuli of all kinds and proliferation of thoughts. This inability to focus results in a mind that is not calm, serene and concentrated. The distracted mind also drains our energy level and hinders our spiritual progress.

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8 September 2021

Reduce our desires

Craving (tañha) occupies the mind when wisdom is not applied to pleasant and unpleasant experiences. Without the wisdom of seeing their impermanent and transient nature, we react in unwise ways that lead to our affliction. We are unable to see straight because we are blinded by craving, and even allow emotions to control us. The Buddha explains the unwise reaction to tañha in Sallatha Sutta (SN 36.6).

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28 August 2021

Clearing our doubts

At times, we may be in a state of doubt, either in ourselves, or in the Dhamma principles. “I meditate everyday but still can’t calm the mind”, or “I have learnt so much over the years, yet I don’t have the deep level of faith”; thoughts like these are common. We may even think that we are too deep down the ‘rabbit hole’ in this life to realise our mind’s full potential. If left unchecked, the sceptical mind will ebb our determination to reach our spiritual goals.

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