
Pertaining to the annual Nalandian Gimhana Retreat. Any report, news or notice concerning this programme should be tagged.

19 August 2021

Conquer the angry mind

Anger and aversion arise when someone does or says something we don’t like, or things are not done our way.  It is the result of unwise attention to the un-ending desires in our mind.  The Buddha taught that anger inflames the mind and only brings about loss, pain, loneliness and misery; an angry person does not see the true nature of things (Kodhana Sutta, AN 7.60).

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14 August 2021

Take a step back to see the steps to happiness

In the next few weeks, we will reflect on Dhamma talks held during the this year's Gimhāna Retreat on ‘Steps to Happiness’.  These talks discuss the manifestations of the mind which obstruct our spiritual progress, and how we can take steps towards removing them.  We hope that this series are useful reminders and contemplations for you.

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29 June 2021

Why do Buddhists chant?

The practice of chanting forms a basic yet invaluable aspect of Buddhist education.  The verses recited contain universal truths, values and virtues uttered by the Buddha Himself, and have been passed down through generations to not just recite, but to understand, reflect and realise.  This practice is especially helpful in our modern hectic lifestyle as it helps us develop the Three C’s – Calm, Clarity, and Concentration.

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23 June 2021

Develop wholesome habits

Have you been putting aside meditation or reading a Dhamma book because it was easier to binge-watch TV?  We may even have held on to feelings of anger, frustration and jealousy because it feels more ‘righteous’ than forgiving and letting go.  Our old habits and tendencies form the path of least resistance, but we must remember that this route blurs our minds and weaken our resolve.  Instead, we should cultivate “Aditthana” – determination to persevere for a noble goal despite the difficulties.

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13 June 2021

Gimhāna – A time to know ourselves

In the annual Nalanda Gimhāna Retreat, Nalandians are encouraged to deepen our understanding and cultivation of Dhamma. Watch this video to learn more about this seven-week retreat which starts today.

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18 May 2020

Five daily practices during Gimhāna

In the annual Gimhāna Retreat, Nalanda members are encouraged to maintain the momentum of our spiritual experience during Buddha Day celebrations by deepening our understanding and cultivation of Dhamma. Therefore, during these seven weeks, we undertake five daily practices of:

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17 May 2020

Annual Gimhāna Retreat B.E.2564

After the Buddha’s Enlightenment on the full-moon day of Vesakhā month (in May), He contemplated on the Dhamma for forty-nine days in the vicinity of the Bodhi Tree.  He then walked for another seven days from Uruvela to the deer park near Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on Asalha Day, the full-moon in July, to His first five disciples.

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8 August 2019

Fruitful observance of Gimhāna Retreat

For seven weeks after the Buddha’s Enlightenment on Wesak full-moon in May, He contemplated on the Dhamma with His perfectly clear faculty of comprehension.  Then, He travelled for seven days from Uruvela to Sarnath where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on Asalha Day, the full-moon in July.

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20 July 2019

Dhamma talk by Venerable Sayadaw Nyanapurnik

On 30 June, Nalandians were honoured to welcome Sayadaw Nyanapurnik, Sanghanayaka of Nepal, back to Nalanda Centre for Dhamma teaching in conjunction with Nalanda Institute’s 12th anniversary.  Sayadaw advised us to use our intellect to discern the wholesome from unwholesome, and purify our mental states.  When we cultivate sīla (morality), we have a strong foundation upon which to develop samādhi (concentration).  Only then can pañña (wisdom) arise to eradicate defilements with Right Effort.  Sayadaw also reinforced the importance of associating with wise teachers and spiritual friends.

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28 June 2019

Dhamma talk by Ven. Dr. Pemaratana

On Wednesday 12 June, Ven. Dr. S. Pemaratana, Abbot of Pittsburgh Buddhist Centre, U.S.A., delivered a Dhamma talk on how to cultivate mental well-being.  In the talk, he shared five skilful techniques taught by the Buddha to remove unwholesome thoughts: (1) replace them with wholesome thoughts; (2) reflect on the consequences of being unwholesome; (3) disregard the unwholesome thoughts; (4) to contemplate causes and conditions; and (5) to crush the unwholesome thoughts with our will.

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