
Pertaining to the annual Nalandian Gimhana Retreat. Any report, news or notice concerning this programme should be tagged.

7 June 2017

‘June Treble’ starts this Sunday

This Sunday marks the third week of Nalanda’s ‘Gimhāna Retreat’, which focuses on one’s spiritual growth and personal transformation by living in accordance to Dhamma.  Nalanda founder Bro. Tan will be performing the annual “June Treble” – giving Dhamma teachings on three consecutive Sundays on June 11th, 18th, and 25th – where he will be covering the three most important essence of Dhamma practice.

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2 June 2017

Daily Dhamma reminders during Gimhāna

For the past few days since the beginning of Gimhāna Retreat, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan has been giving short Dhamma teachings daily after the evening chanting.  Tonight, students of Nalanda Dhamma School together with some parents gathered to listen to the teachings.

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27 May 2017

Nalanda’s Annual ‘Gimhāna’ Period

For seven weeks after the Buddha’s Enlightenment on Wesak full-moon in May, He contemplated on the Dhamma with His perfectly clear faculty of comprehension.  Then, He travelled for seven days from Bodhgaya to Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on Asalha Day, the full-moon in July.

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6 August 2016

Teaching by Sayadaw Nyanapurnik

On Wednesday 22 June, Nalanda Centre was very honoured to host senior Nepalese prelate Sayadaw Nyanapurnik Nāyaka Thera to deliver a Dhamma talk. Sayadaw Nyanapurnik is also a Pāli scholar and Vipassana teacher who has been actively developing Theravada Buddhism in Nepal over four decades. Sayadawgyi was accompanied to Nalanda Centre by Malaysian bhikkhu Venerable Gavesi and two Nepali sayalays.

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7 July 2016

The ‘water simile’ on worldliness

On Wednesday 15 June, at the weekly group practice, Sis. Buddhinī shared with new participants the basics of meditation.  She explained the purpose of meditation, important factors to consider, the different meditation postures, and led participants through a sitting session.

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16 June 2016

Associate with the Wise

On Sunday, 12 June, Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma talk which re-energised our spiritual learning and practice, after the busy Wesak Buddha Day period.  He reminded us that we needed to grow with wisdom after years of learning the Dhamma.  Wisdom helps us to be more humane, kind and considerate.

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10 June 2016

Incomparable Teacher and Teachings  

Sunday 5 June marked the beginning of the annual 7-week Gimhāna (Summer) Retreat, organised by Nalanda for the fifth consecutive year.  This year’s retreat spans from 5 June to 20 July.  Director of Nalanda Institute, Achariya Tan Siang Chye, heralded an uplifting start to the retreat by giving a talk on the Buddha as a ‘unique Teacher’, and also his ‘incomparable Teachings’.

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15 May 2015

First Service Sunday of ‘Gimhāna’ Retreat

Beginning Sunday, Nalanda will observe its 4th ‘Gimhāna Retreat’ lasting 7 weeks – from 17 May to 1 July.  The Annual ‘Gimhāna Retreat’ focuses on one’s spiritual growth and personal transformation effected through the Dhamma.  During this period, everyone is encouraged to commit to progressive Dhamma learning and deeper spiritual cultivation.

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12 May 2015

7-week Annual Gimhāna Retreat begins 17 May

For the fourth consecutive year, Nalanda will hold its 7-week Annual Gimhāna Retreat from 17 May to 1 July.  Gimhāna Retreat focuses on one’s spiritual growth and personal transformation effected through the Dhamma.  During this period, everyone is encouraged to commit to 7 weeks of intensive Dhamma learning and spiritual cultivation.  Dhamma teachings and meditation sessions are arranged at Nalanda Centre every Wednesday, Sunday and Uposatha (New-moon and Full-moon) Day.

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1 August 2014

An illuminating finale to Gimhāna Retreat

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Wednesday 16 July, Nalanda Centre was packed with devotees eager to listen to the last Gimhāna teachings for 2014.  It was indeed a worthwhile effort as Bro. Tan delivered an illuminating finale on the gradual development of a ‘good mind’.  Recalling his earlier talks about a ‘good heart’ versus a ‘good mind’, he asked rhetorically –‘What is this “mind”?’

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