
Pertaining to the annual Nalandian Gimhana Retreat. Any report, news or notice concerning this programme should be tagged.

5 June 2013

Gimhana Retreat from 8 June to 22 July

Nalanda organizes 3 special retreats annually – the ‘Hemanta’ in January, ‘Gimhana’ in June-July, and ‘Vassana’ in October-November.  Each of these 3 retreats focuses on different aspects of personal, communal and spiritual growth.

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27 June 2012

Purifying through Perfections

The following are Bro. Tan’s teachings on 17 June 2012, the Fifth Gimhāna Sunday, summarised by Sis. Faith Teh.

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26 June 2012

Asalha Observance at Nalanda

Asalha Full-moon Day falls exactly 2 months after Wesak Day.  It marks the three important events in the history of Buddhism – the day Buddha Gotama was conceived; the day He renounced worldly life to become an ascetic; and the day He first preached the Dhamma as the Enlightened Teacher.

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21 June 2012

Recap, Review and Reinforce

Before the self-practice group sitting meditation, we reaffirm our faith in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.  With understanding and devotion, we pay homage to our Teacher, the Enlightened and Blessed One, take the Three Refuges and observe the Five Precepts.

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15 June 2012

Our True Refuge

The following is a summary of Bro. Tan’s teaching on 10 June 2012, the Fourth Gimhana Sunday at Nalanda.

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8 June 2012

Kindling the light of Dhamma within

Well-guided by the Dhamma, we carry its light within us into every moment, any situation – we are upright, serene and compassionately wise.  This is what it means to be a Noble One (Ariya).  As Buddhists, this is our mission.  In order to evolve spiritually, we must follow through our vision with right action.  Every day, wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we continuously practise non-grasping, radiate loving-kindness and accomplish wholesome deeds.  In every scenario, we can conscientiously choose happiness (sukha) over suffering (dukkha).  Rather than “I Can’t!”, choose to believe “I Can!” and practise “I Will!” instead.  In this way, we gradually transform to be better, calmer and free.

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6 June 2012

Meditate daily for our own Well-being!

The inviting atmosphere in the Nalanda Shrine Hall saw another huge turnout for the second group meditation of the Gimhana Retreat.  Guided by Bro. H S Tan, yogis sat with gladdened minds, full of gratitude and appreciation for this opportunity to practise.

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30 May 2012

Do Good, Feel Good!

The following are teachings of Bro. Tan on 27 May 2012, the Second Gimhana Sunday, written by a devotee. 

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24 May 2012

Non-grasping is the key!

It was a packed hall once again as Nalandians came together last night for the first group meditation of the Gimhana Retreat, guided by the founder of Nalanda, Bro. H S Tan.  As the gong was struck, the sound reverberated soothingly before fading into nothingness.  Thus is the impermanent nature of all conditioned phenomena.  Yet, we find ourselves constantly craving, clinging and grasping – material things, people, words, thoughts, or emotions – all of which are so fleeting, so completely empty and selfless.  But we latch on anyway, and we hang on tight.  We allow ourselves to continually churn and wallow in this unnecessary exercise of mulling over what is past, or what is yet to come.

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23 May 2012

Let’s Evolve Spiritually

The following is a summary of Bro. Tan's teaching on 20 May 2012, the first day of Nalanda Gimhana Retreat. "Better than a hundred years lived unwisely and indolently, is one day spent in earnest, energetic effort." Dhammapada Verse 112

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