
1 May 2013

1st of May, Nalanda Day!

The Board of Management and members of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia wish to thank all our spiritual teachers, advisors, benefactors, donors, supporters, volunteers and devotees, for your decade-long contribution, devotion, and faith in Nalanda, which enabled us to provide the community at large with quality holistic education.  Our deepest gratitude to all your invaluable help and support in the cause of Buddhist Education!  May you gladly share the merits thereof, and rejoice whole-heartedly in our progress thus far.  Long live the Buddha-Sasana!

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26 February 2013

Happy 25th Anniversary to Singapore Buddhist Fellowship!

Bro. Ananda Fong, Director of Pustaka Nalanda, presenting a souvenir to Angie Chew Monksfield, current President of Buddhist Fellowship.  May the Buddha's teachings continue to guide our Dhamma outreach everywhere.

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6 February 2013

Have a Harmonious and Meaningful time!

Best wishes for the New Year from Nalandians to devotees, friends, and relatives!  Let us make this year exceptional by being ‘transformational’!  May the blessings of Right Effort lead us closer to the realisation of our noble aspirations.

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31 January 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

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30 September 2012

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Different people like the Mid-Autumn Festival for different reasons.  While some are inspired by the historical stories or legends associated with it, some enjoy this Festival for its culture and significance.  Imagine, with a cup of hot chrysanthemum tea and some mooncakes, listening to the cheerful laughter of children with their beautiful lanterns, and the chatter of family members who are happily catching up with each other, the atmosphere feels so calm and peaceful.

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31 August 2012

Nalanda’s Merdeka Day Message 2012

As we celebrate our nation’s 55th Independence Day, let us be thankful and reflective on all the blessings we have so far enjoyed.  Admittedly Malaysia is not paradise, nor is it the ‘best’, nor ‘safest’, nor ‘happiest’ country in the world.  That’s all very subjective.  Still, there is much for us to celebrate, such as our climate, our fertile land, our abundant resources, our cultural diversity, and our wonderful people.

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16 May 2012

Happy Teachers’ Day 2012

Message from Bro H S Tan, Founder of Nalanda

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5 May 2012

Happy Wesak 2012!

Dear Friends, Namo Buddhaya! Wesak Day commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Lord Buddha. Let us observe this occasion mindfully, peacefully, with full gratitude and respect for our great Teacher. It is also a time for us to reflect on the sublime goodness of the Buddha and his teaching.

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30 April 2012

Happy Wesak Buddhist Era 2556

Being Well begins with Me !


Wesak Day commemorates the three-fold events in the life of the Buddha – His Birth, His Enlightenment and His Passing Away. This year’s celebration marks the 2600th Anniversary of Buddhism. It was through the Buddha’s way of virtuous living and insightful practice that he developed the true understanding to gain liberation from suffering. His lofty attainment of Ultimate Peace was taught compassionately to benefit all beings.

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1 January 2012

Happy New Year 2012

As we usher in 2012, let us reflect on the many memorable achievements of Nalanda Buddhist Society in the past year. We observed the 8th Anniversary of the Society and the 1st Anniversary of the Buddhist Community Alliance on 1 May. We acquired a new 3-storey building to cater for our projected expansion; embarked on a 'Transformation Programme'; introduced our Core Values; and improved on our Management Structure, Systems, Resources, Facilities and Human Capital. We also established the first Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Happy Garden, Kuala Lumpur, to commemorate the 2,600th Year of Buddhism. A resounding 'Sadhu' to everyone for the amazing energy and marvelous effort in achieving all that and more in a mere 12 months!

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