
1 January 2022

Happy New Year 2022

Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia wishes everyone a joyful observance of the New Year!  Let us welcome the new year with a tranquil mind and have thoughts of loving-kindness for all beings.  May your days ahead be fulfilling and peaceful.  Happy New Year 2022!

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25 December 2021

Season’s Greetings & Merry Christmas

Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes all our Christian friends a “Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year”!  In this season of giving, let us show our appreciation to our loved ones, friends and send thoughts of loving-kindness to all beings.

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11 December 2021

Education is like planting a tree

Today 11 December 2021, is Nalanda Education Day.  This date marks the anniversary of the launching of Nalanda’s “Education Philosophy” – which calls for a holistic approach in education, balancing and combining knowledge, skills, values and culture, hence leading to integral development of people.

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7 December 2021

A very blessed birthday to ‘Bhante G’

Nalanda Buddhist Society members extend our felicitations and warmest wishes to Venerable Sri Pandita Dr. Henepola Gunaratana Māha Nāyaka Thero on his 94th birthday, today! Fondly known as ‘Bhante G’, Ven. Gunaratana left Sri Lanka as a young monk to propagate Dhamma in India, Malaysia and the United States of America.

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13 November 2021

Make kindness the norm

Being kind costs us nothing, but can give us the gains of lightness and happiness Today is World Kindness Day, a time to celebrate this defining quality of our humanity.  In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, random acts of kindness may have become more scarce or maybe more difficult as physical distancing and masked faces define the ‘new norm’.  We must be wary that we do not unintentionally alienate care for each other in lieu of ‘safety’, and diminish our compassion.

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21 September 2021

Well-wishes this Mid-Autumn Festival

The full-moon of the eighth lunar month shines brightly above us tonight, as Chinese communities around the world celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节).  It is traditionally a time for families to gather for reunion dinners in the spirit of harmony and togetherness.  Where travel is restricted in this period due to the pandemic, we can still endeavour to have a meaningful reconnect on-line with our loved ones by showing our genuine care and concern for their well-being.

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16 September 2021

Happy ‘Malaysia Day’ 2021

Today is the 58th anniversary of the formation of ‘Malaysia’– a federation of 13 states spanning the Malay Peninsula, Sarawak, and Sabah.  As a multi-ethnic and multi-religious, Malaysians have grown to be more resilient and progressive as we face the challenges of economic turmoil, political uncertainties and now, the Covid-19 pandemic.

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9 August 2021

Singapore’s 56th National Day

Today is the Republic of Singapore’s 56th National Day.  The theme for this National Day, “Together, our Singapore Spirit” celebrates the unity and solidarity of all Singaporeans in persevering and rising through today's challenges, just as their founding fathers had in turning the city-state from a third-world back water into a first-world economic powerhouse.

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20 June 2021

Happy Father’s Day

Today, we celebrate fathers around the world who uphold their duty to provide, protect and support us.  They lift us up and show us the way to be good, upright and honest citizens of the world.  Let us recollect the love our fathers have afforded us and honour them with our affection and gratitude.  We wish all fathers “Happy Father’s Day”.

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13 May 2021

Our best wishes for ‘Aidilfitri’

Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes our Muslim friends a peaceful celebration on the arrival of Syawal today.  While festivities are likely to be muted again this year with the reinstatement of lockdown in Malaysia, the spirit of gratitude and forgiveness need not be diminished.  With the help of technology, we can still connect with our loved ones whilst safeguarding their health by minimising the risk of exposure to them.

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