
17 August 2015

Indonesia’s 70th Independence Day

Today marks the Republic of Indonesia’s 70th Anniversary of Independence.  The vast country founded in 1945 at the end of World War II has come a long way since.  Indonesia today has succeeded in many aspects of nation-building, mainly due to its unifying philosophy of inclusiveness of all her people – the principle of ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ (unity in diversity).  This philosophy of inclusiveness, fairness and parity between races has forged a shared identity amongst Indonesians, defined by a national language, ethnic harmony, religious pluralism and tolerance.

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5 July 2015

Ven. Alokavamsa at Nalanda Centre

Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Indonesian venerable Bhikkhu U Alokavamsa for a short stay from 13 to 15 June.  Ven. Alokavamsa is a practitioner at Pa-Auk Meditation Centre in Myanmar, and transited for two nights at Nalanda Centre providing the privilege for Nalandians to offer dāna to venerable.  We wish venerable the best of health and much spiritual progress.  We also thank all devotees for your kindness and hospitality to Ven. Alokavamsa.  Sadhu anumodana.

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30 June 2015

Pray for Medan Plane Crash Victims

An Indonesian military airplane with 113 people on board crashed earlier today into a residential area in Medan, Sumatera.  The Hercules C-130 aircraft was reported to have encountered technical problems soon after taking-off.  It crashed into two houses and a hotel while attempting to make an emergency landing.  There were no signs of anyone on the plane surviving the crash.  The number of casualties on the ground remains unclear.

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11 June 2015

Borobudur – Gem of Buddhist Architecture

Built during the Srivijaya Period in the 9th Century C.E., Borobudur is one of the largest and most impressive Buddhist monuments in the world.  Its structure symbolizes the entire Buddhist cosmology comprising different realms of existence.  Thousands of sculptures and relief carvings chronicling the Buddha’s life adorn the enormous stupa, making it extremely rich in narratives.

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31 May 2015

Have a joyful and spiritual Vesak celebration

On 1 June, our friends in Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and several other countries will be observing Vesak Full-moon day which marks the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment.  Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia wishes everyone a joyful and meaningful Vesak celebration.  May the guidance of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha lead all beings to liberation from suffering.  Namo Buddhaya!

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9 September 2014

Supporting the “Four-fold Assembly”

Recently, Nalanda had the good fortune of hosting Ven. Ayya Santinī from Maribaya, Indonesia, who was accompanied on her visit here by several Indonesian devotees.  While residing at Nalanda Centre, she gave several teachings and conducted personal interviews with devotees.  We were also honoured to receive Venerables Dhammadinnā and Sumangalā who came to meet Ayya Santinī in Sri Serdang.

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18 June 2014

An inspiring evening with Ven. Ayya Santinī

Report by Gan Bee Ching.

On Monday 2 June, devotees had an inspiring evening listening to Ayya Santinī’s Dhamma talk during her three-day visit to Nalanda.  Ayya used the ongoing renovations at Nalanda Centre as an analogy for one’s spiritual journey.  The space (in our hearts) which was previously occupied for material gains is presently demolished, making room for spiritual activities in the future.

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8 June 2014

Nalandians visit the National Museum in Jakarta

In conjunction with their visit to Jakarta last month, Nalandian officers had the opportunity to tour the National Museum of Indonesia together with our hosts from Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia, and friends from Buddhist Fellowship Singapore.

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3 June 2014

Ven. Ayya Santinī visits Nalanda

On Sunday 1 June, Nalandians warmly welcomed Ven. Ayya Santinī from Indonesia who arrived for a three-day visit to Nalanda.  Ayya Santinī and 5 accompanying Indonesian devotees were met at the KL International Airport by Founder Bro. Tan, Sis. Buddhinī, Nandinī, Santī, and Bro Gan.

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3 June 2014

Nalanda Centre hosted Ven. Alokavamsa

Last Monday 26 May, Nalandians had the privilege of offering dāna to Ven. Alokavamsa Bhikkhu from Indonesia.  Ven. Alokavamsa was on his way to Pa-Auk Meditation Centre in Myanmar, and transited for a night at Nalanda Centre.  We wish venerable the best of health and much spiritual progress.  We also thank all devotees for your kindness and hospitality to Ven. Alokavamsa. Sadhu anumodana.

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